For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
— Isaiah 9:6, written about 700 years before the first Christmas
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
Join this!
gonna delay this by a week. mostly because only 3 people have picked a province so far
Fight your fellow wasters to control of the country in question. Make friends! Make… not friends! Wage war! Get territory!
Current map:
(colors are picked based off whatever color occurs the most in your pfp. at least to me)
Owned by @8bitosc. Inspired by @oren’s @b4us and @syl’s @b4eu
Everyone starts with one province. Choose wisely, as you won’t be able to change it once the game begins.
Game starts on the 30th
Every day, you can comment under the wall to perform an action.
Each day, you can capture two census divisions ( that your country borders. Or, if you want, you can wage war on another player for some land.
Controlling parts of the country gives you a boost. Every province you gain 75% control of gets you an extra census division to try and reach to. Your starting province doesn’t count towards this.
War rules: Each person starts with 1,500 troops. You gain an extra 100 troops per census division under your control, and an extra 1,000 for each full province. You decide where to place your troops; whoever has more troops wins the war. If you’re involved in multiple wars, you can decide where your troops go.
Have fun! Please
You all could probably find my address without much effort.
Giving out your last name on the internet is a lot bigger of a deal than giving out your first name. If someone has your last name, they can find out pretty much anything about you. I’ve found multiple random internet people’s home addresses (I’m not a stalker I promise!) just by doing google searches with their names. Imagine if I was actually trying to stalk them.
Also, personally, I kind of wish I hadn’t given out my last name. Oh well.
Giving out your last name on the internet is a lot bigger of a deal than giving out your first name. If someone has your last name, they can find out pretty much anything about you. I’ve found multiple random internet people’s home addresses (I’m not a stalker I promise!) just by doing google searches with their names. Imagine if I was actually trying to stalk them.
Also, personally, I kind of wish I hadn’t given out my last name. Oh well.
Maybe it’s just because I live in the literal best place in the country, but I don’t really understand when people criticize America. This place is great.
The good parts of America are really good.
(Also, its not just my subjective opinion, my location is regularly ranked as the #1 or #2 place in America to live.)
My brother, my cousin, and I almost got lost on top of a mountain today. We found our way back though.
Also, we’re staying in a house on top of a mountain and it has Starlink internet. Pretty cool.
Edit: It said “Starling” not Starlink :(
I made a cool project, maybe y’all would like to see it. It makes an RSS feed out of your notifications. Here’s the code so you can run it:
Fight your fellow wasters to control of the country in question. Make friends! Make… not friends! Wage war! Get territory!
Current map:
(colors are picked based off whatever color occurs the most in your pfp. at least to me)
Owned by @8bitosc. Inspired by @oren’s @b4us and @syl’s @b4eu
Everyone starts with one province. Choose wisely, as you won’t be able to change it once the game begins.
Game starts on the 30th
Every day, you can comment under the wall to perform an action.
Each day, you can capture two census divisions ( that your country borders. Or, if you want, you can wage war on another player for some land.
Controlling parts of the country gives you a boost. Every province you gain 75% control of gets you an extra census division to try and reach to. Your starting province doesn’t count towards this.
War rules: Each person starts with 1,500 troops. You gain an extra 100 troops per census division under your control, and an extra 1,000 for each full province. You decide where to place your troops; whoever has more troops wins the war. If you’re involved in multiple wars, you can decide where your troops go.
Have fun! Please
Anyone else want in? I may start it early if no one joins for a few days
if anyone is interested in maps/history you should check out @b4eu, a cool map game ive designed, the game has already started but you might be interested in watching it unfold.