
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

discord is now blocked for me 😭😫

actually >15 alts

whoever figures this out I’ll follow you on all of my 10+ alts

I’m somewhere in this picture:

I’ll give you a really good prize if you can find me (because it’s like impossible)!

Jun 27, 2022, 4:14 PM
4 3 46

Amazon uses multiple different cdns for product images. I’m pretty sure one of them is used for images that you can zoom in on and another is for ones you can’t zoom in on. Like why???


They named a shoe “Choad” 😂😂😂

I’ll leave it to you to look up what that means

whoever figures this out I’ll follow you on all of my 10+ alts

I’m somewhere in this picture:

I’ll give you a really good prize if you can find me (because it’s like impossible)!

Jun 27, 2022, 4:14 PM
4 3 46

iMessage is crazy overengineered

Like I just deleted a conversation on my watch and at the same instant it disappeared on my mac (I had a window open with it)

I’m somewhere in this picture:

I’ll give you a really good prize if you can find me (because it’s like impossible)!

Jun 27, 2022, 4:14 PM
4 3 46
          .oyy/`    -MMMMM.                 
          mMMMMNy.   NMMMMd`                
          smMMMMMN.  yMMMMMo                
       ``` `+MMMMMs  :MMMMMh           `/+. 
     -ydmms. oMMMMN`  mMMMMh          +NMMd 
    `NMMMMMN-`hMMMMd-.dMMMMh        `yMMMMd 

Who are the 2 people who loved this post @jeffalo

wasteof.money just isn’t that great

I love "that's what she said" jokes


tailwind sucks!!!!!!111

just like typescript!!!!!!!!!!1111111

i sweare if they truin html1111111111!!!!!!11111111111

I keep asking people what the LGBTQ community is, but nobody gives me a straight answer

Imagine wasteof1 in Swahili

I'm tired

A condescending con descending condescendingly at a condescending con descending conference to con a condescending con

A condescending con descending condescendingly at a condescending con descending conference to con a condescending con