
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

Update: I didnt get them

I'm going to try and get some Yeezys tomorrow, wish me luck 🤞

I'm going to try and get some Yeezys tomorrow, wish me luck 🤞

I'm going to try and get some Yeezys tomorrow, wish me luck 🤞


also I found a new api url: https://api.wasteof.money/messages/admin

presumably (EDIT: confirmed) it gives you your admin messages. i will probably add it in to wasteof-client soon

Oops looks like sounds are randomly chosen. thanks to theawesome98 for pointing this out. All of the banned sounds:

If you are an admin:

Also the sound is different now. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w

This is what it looks like if you’re banned from wasteof:

Link to the violin music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODcC5z6Ca0

I’m not banned on any of my accounts btw

Apr 5, 2022, 7:06 PM
4 1 1
Apr 7, 2022, 5:14 PM
3 1 1

Imagine if there was git for all your files. That would actually be really good

figured out how to get the admin messages api

const token = document.cookie.split("=")[1];
fetch('https://api.wasteof.money/messages/admin', {
    headers: {'Authorization': token}
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(data => {console.log(data)})

For about 18 hours, one could have bought a hoodie with the wasteof logo

and that's how the WOM hoodie (unofficial) was made



zamn my merch idea from forever ago suddenly got on home, thx

Mar 26, 2022, 2:41 AM
3 1 4

also I found a new api url: https://api.wasteof.money/messages/admin

presumably (EDIT: confirmed) it gives you your admin messages. i will probably add it in to wasteof-client soon

Oops looks like sounds are randomly chosen. thanks to theawesome98 for pointing this out. All of the banned sounds:

If you are an admin:

Also the sound is different now. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w

This is what it looks like if you’re banned from wasteof:

Link to the violin music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODcC5z6Ca0

I’m not banned on any of my accounts btw

Apr 5, 2022, 7:06 PM
4 1 1
Apr 7, 2022, 5:14 PM
3 1 1

Oops looks like sounds are randomly chosen. thanks to theawesome98 for pointing this out. All of the banned sounds:

If you are an admin:

Also the sound is different now. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w

This is what it looks like if you’re banned from wasteof:

Link to the violin music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODcC5z6Ca0

I’m not banned on any of my accounts btw

Apr 5, 2022, 7:06 PM
4 1 1


What if I’m not cringe and don’t code in Python? L

#prove that you know how to program by responding with the correct code

tip = "print(...)"

This is a problem. Jeffalo will have to provide the private keys if you want to implement oauth

so for those of you making native wasteof clients, how does login work?

eg. how do you allow people to login via github/google?


Since I'm late to the party, will someone please explain what the heck “ratio” means on here?

I could probably convince my dad to pay for the Apple developer fees


same but for iOS

So I may or may not be in the process of building a small native Android app for wasteof.money 😳

If you are an admin:

Also the sound is different now. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w

This is what it looks like if you’re banned from wasteof:

Link to the violin music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODcC5z6Ca0

I’m not banned on any of my accounts btw

Apr 5, 2022, 7:06 PM
4 1 1

check out my new website: https://oren-lindsey.github.io/posts-per-hour/

It shows a chart of the number of scratch forum posts in the last day