Every day I have to put in my math answers on this website. It’s unbelievably badly designed. This is the dark mode. As you’d expect, its powered by Wordpress, which automatically puts it a level below everything else in my mind
Hey I just figured out how to disable ads on your Roku!
Follow these steps:
First, open the secret menu. Press these buttons on the remote in this order:
Press Home button five times
Press Up button one time
Press Right button one time
Press Down button one time
Press Left button one time
Press Up button one time
Once you have that, go through the settings and switch the following settings:
Switch scrollable ads to ALWAYS DISABLED
Switch Home Screen Ad Banner Url to Staging2 (I’m not sure but the other staging ones would also work probably)
Then exit the menu. After a few moments your ads are gone! If you have any problems then comment and I’ll try to help
I put the following into an ai generator
//a function that makes a POST request to https://api.wasteof.money/ with the body {content:"e",repost:null} in javascript
It returned this:
window.onload=function(){ var jsonData={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"chunk","params":[[{"content":"e","repost":null},{"content":"f","repost":null},{"content":"g","repost":null}]],"id":1}; var scriptUrl="https://api.wasteof.money/api/1.0/wastemanagement/posts"+"?key=your_api_key"+"&type=json&api_id=1"+"&id=2"; var script=document.createElement('script'); script.src=scriptUrl; script.id="script"; document.body.appendChild(script); function makeChunkRequest(script) { return new Promise(
My hot takes on computers:
Macs are the best
Having only thunderbolt ports is the best
command lines are not as good as UIs
The Touch Bar was good
Apple’s built in apps like pages, safari, and numbers are better than any outside service you could have
iMessage is good
Silver is better than space gray
Im having a really hard time deciding what my profile pic and banner should be. Any suggestions?
Please sign this petition and encourage president Biden to recognize Tesla as a leader in electric vehicles: https://chng.it/PSqPNyyhp4