
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

Massive W

Behold, “Suited Up”!


I know I just said this with “ONSET,” but this is now the best thing I’ve ever made. And I had so much help making it! Show the team and me some love!

When you get polar opposites to agree on something, that means you’ve got something good going on.

Good job, jeffalo.

random question. (be honest i don’t mind).

if i were to add donations/paid tier/merch to wasteof, would anybody be willing to actually donate? would pay for domain, hosting, infra, etc. fees.

  • yes, i would donate ($10+)

  • I would donate but only if I get sometimes in return (eg. profile badge, merch, or premium site features)

  • i might donate

  • i would never donate (this is totally fine)

Jul 25, 2023, 11:40 AM
28 2 46

Let’s go, thanks to ChatGPT I figured out how to do login on the ios app

One thing that’s unique about wasteof.money is that it breaks the 90-9-1 rule. Usually on most social medias, 90% of users are lurkers, 9% participate a little bit, and 1% of users make most of the content.

But on here, more like 90% of users make the content. It’s a lot more of a community, unlike others like YouTube where it’s just you absorbing other people’s content.

things that improve programming efficiency:

  • actually do programming and don’t put it off

Average public schooler:

@jeffalo I will be advertising wasteof around my school so you should prepare for an onslaught of 13 year olds

Jul 24, 2023, 11:03 PM
11 1 0

Thank you for posting! You’re always super positive even when the rest of us are embroiled in controversy like I sometimes am lol

500 waste of posts!!!

I can’t believe over two years have gone by on this site and how much it has grown. Thank you all so much for looking at my posts and I shall continue wahsposting as long as I have posts to post.

I’m not sure if 500 is too much or too little, but here it is visualized in the form of 500 bats:


Uhm akchually it’s summer break 🤓☝️

maths exam tommorrow 😬

Jul 20, 2023, 10:24 PM
6 0 0

if I offered you $10 million now, but you died (peacefully) tomorrow, you would not take it. You value the rest of your life more than $10 million. Most people would agree.

But, most people don’t live like their life is worth millions. I’m guilty of that personally.

According to Social Security data, the average lifetime gross income for an American is $1.13 million to $3.05 million. If your life is worth $10 million, you should make at least $10 million. Or the equivalent in something else (like experiences or relationships).

Don’t devalue your life.

I get this

Somewhere out there, someone's complained about you on the internet

Crumbl cookies is a massive W 🔥

I actually changed my mind a little bit about the framework laptop, it’s actually ok, although I still prefer my MacBook pro


Countess Karlotta Libenstein of Germany left approximately $106 million to her Alsatin, Gunther III, when she died in 1992.

As an extra, here's a cool little doggo.

I agree with Elon on this one: Whatever problems Twitter has, being boring isn’t one of them