
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

It’s 115℉ in Arizona today

People in North Carolina:

Sadly, it’s just reskinned Chrome, so I’ll probably stick with Safari. Mainly because I really like the Safari dev tools. But I love the side tab bar on arc, it’s a lot more useful than a top bar.

I’m using the Arc browser right now, and it’s really cool

I’m using the Arc browser right now, and it’s really cool

You reading this: Don’t ignore this. Post something that you’re thankful for right now.

Actually, he didn’t send them to Ukraine but to the vaguer region of “Europe”. Exactly where in Europe is unclear so far.

About a year ago, Joe Biden said that sending American troops to Ukraine would mean WW3 and will not happen. Just twenty hours ago Joe Biden sent 3000 US troops to Ukraine.

Jul 14, 2023, 6:55 PM
6 0 1

Things I have a strange obsession with:

  • Northern Idaho

  • iPhone 14 Plus

  • Lake Clark National Park

  • the Continental Divide Trail

  • James Turrell

Top 3 foods of all time:

  1. Buffalo wings with blue cheese

  2. Sushi

  3. Any type of Italian food (except if it has pesto)

Jul 13, 2023, 3:45 PM
8 3 3

I can now control light bulbs from my watch

I just went to the greatest camp I’ve ever been to

Please read all of this as it’s important

On Monday I drove to Liberty University with my friend @/grunklebillsback to go to Student Life Camp (https://studentlife.lifeway.com) with our church and about 1000 other kids. Let me tell you, this camp was unbelievable. There truly is no way to get across how good it was if you weren’t there.

God did incredible things, including bringing 6 kids from my youth group to him. (Quick sidenote: there were about 1100 people there, and our youth group had 45 people there. Extrapolating this leads to about 145 people who were brought to Christ this week!!) He was truly at work this week. I truly think, if any of you were there, you would instantly be convinced that God exists. The events of last week are impossible to refute if you actually witnessed them.

This was a once in a lifetime experience. Every single leader, including those who had been to hundreds of camps before, said this was special.

And this is not even getting into the lore (ask me about Elevator Man and the 9th floor sometime!)

Last week was the pinnacle of my life so far.

But God really convicted me of something. You guys were put on my heart very strongly.

So I have to admit: I have wronged you.

  • I have not walked in love towards you.

  • I have not been gracious and kind, especially in my speech.

  • I have put my own interests above yours.

  • I have been prideful, mean, angry, hateful, and negative.

  • I have not been Christlike in any way, shape, or form.

So, I deeply apologize for this. Please forgive me. I have done wrong to you.

It is only through the power of Christ that I can overcome these sins. I know most of you aren’t Christians, and I’ve probably put a bad taste for Christians, but I’ve acted wrongly towards you and others. Please forgive me.

✨limited edition 4th of July profile picture 🔥🥵🥶🤩

I’m going to another camp this week, in Virginia, so I won’t be active

My neighbors had really good fireworks (they're technically illegal and you have to get them in south carolina) so I had a great show tonight

I knew it was gonna get one of these at some point

Things people like way too much:

  • Sugar and carbs

  • Money

  • Sex (also porn)

  • Sleep

  • Celebrities

  • Watching sports

What else?

Jul 1, 2023, 7:20 PM
8 2 8

200 followers on wasteof is like 200,000 subscribers on YouTube