
professional dingus
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burrito and sean can relate amirite

god my back hurts from carrying the weight of scratch’s comedic efforts

god my back hurts from carrying the weight of scratch’s comedic efforts

the I in iguana stands for iguana

@da-ta is a cutie pie

they call me peein

they call me the dank memer

they call me the test failer

they call me the factory tree

They call me the house plant

man this is great i get to scream nonsense into the void for clout

i put the carp in carpe diem

not to get political but what the frick is eggnog

i put the scam in shrimp scampi

this is just twitter but without any of the twitter parts

heck butt gosh darn shoot balls

does this place have a cuss word detector

hi im peein

figma balls uwu

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