fyi I hate Wallace and Grommet

L take but you do you ig

Can I interview you about the election

the only answer you need is that I fully support and endorse auriali for president

Ummm… Ok.

hello, lord perrin

good evening

how may i serve you today?

Do you like the NC state uniforms

Not a fan of the word mark on the pants or the black or gray alts but otherwise they are amazing, excellent color balance and a very unique stripe pattern

I'm an NC state fan so yeah

Great job on the podcast

I read all your posts, some of the funniest stuff I’ve seen on this platform but you talk about eating people too much

Thank you for the feedback kind sir i will keep that in mind

i will gladly receive a Forklift in exchange for 4 Frito chips, thank you very much for your generous offer

Finally somebody understands what I'm asking! Everyone's out here trying to follow me when all i want is Fritos

I think I would follow you if you didn’t post so often

he spices up wasteof

popular opinion: perrin is unfunny

i only said it was a popular opinion, I didn’t say I hold it

the public is fickle

but is the fickle public?

TIL I hold an unpopular opinion

you like to post lol

the void must hear of my exploits

what is this place

the wall by pink floyd

You have pink eye?