arson is good

*cocks revolver* There can only be one arsonist

grabs grenade launcher And I was here first you cocky motherfucker, now eat shit :3

That’s why I’m here, to replace you *secretly installs Windows ME on your main system*

wait why are you using the launcher when they are incendiary i am confuzzle

Why thank you, and you as well!

hey arson, do you like my cool silly drawing of 2 cats? :3

I absolutely and wholeheartedly ADORE your cool silly drawing of 2 cats!!!!! <3

wowzer, thanks!!

You’re welcome! Hehe

i just noticed the silly little kitties on your bio

Hehe yays aren’t they great?!


hehe ty, I love your new pfp!!!

yw and ty

k im sorry if u dont like me any more

It’s fine I understand wanting to know

how old are u and its great

That’s good! There’s a nice small community here, I hope you continue to feel that way! I don’t feel comfortable sharing my age with strangers on the internet, I hope you understand.

Hi it’s nice to meet you! I see you’ve just joined wasteof recently, what do you think so far?

Or rather become active recently

bro made a singing frog virus that auto downloads onto your computer, thank you mysterious nerd


wawawawawawawawaawaawawawawawawawawawawawawwwawawawwawawawawawawaawaaaaaawawwaawwawawawawawwawwwwwawawaaawawawawawawawwwaaaaaaa hi :)

hi arson

Hi hi! I forgot my password but I know it now lol

Welcome! :D

Also, I want to ask: How did you find I heard a user called @ari sent a bunch of emails to small youtubers. Were you one of them? :)

Ik ur banned but ima answer anyway, I’m friends with @wynd and @mef irl so they introduced me to it :)