
Creator of a python package and @wasteof_bot!

Wasteof.money link archive! Comment if you know one

Light mode graphs!!!!

Light mode graphs are now a thing!

To use it,

  1. use:

    @wasteof_bot prefer light 
    wob prefer light    | only in /chat
  2. Use the graph command as you would normally : @wasteof_bot graph

  3. Done!

Also the graphs now look a lot neater! The label crowding is fixed and gridlines are lighter.

More about prefer command here: https://wasteof.money/posts/63f64c74fd891a0d4bd5b581

Feb 24, 2023, 1:15 PM
5 1 0

What happens next will shock him

I just hit the imgbb api ratelimit.

Worst part is that nobody knows what the ratelimit is… I was doing 1 request/second when I hit it

when I try to fix stuff:

New command: Randompost

Get random posts from all over wasteof!


@wasteof_bot randompost <mode>
wob randompost <mode> | (Only in chat)

mode is optional. If you provide beta in it like: @wasteof_bot randompost beta, it will give you beta links! If nothing is given, it defaults to showing prod links.

Im known as QuantumCodes or Quantum-Codes on all other platforms except for wasteof and scratch

Should i change my username here?

Post ID prediction

The id of this post is: 63e733a19888c34c76c82686

Check the first revision (before any edits) and the actual post id. This was predicted before this post was posted.

To do this, you must have beta because the ID generation is different in beta and the main site. On beta it is predictable (as it is generated by timestamp)

Wasteof post/comment ID:

  • It is a 24 character long string encoded in hex.

  • The first 7 characters depends on the timestamp

  • The last character is added by 1 after each post (the value by which its added may differ; but posts and wall comments add by 1.)

  • Rest of characters don’t need to be changed (unless there is a carryover from adding to the last digit)

Method to generate:

py code:

import requests, time 

data = requests.get("https://api.wasteof.money/posts/63e733a19888c34c76c82686/comments").json()["comments"][0]
x = hex(int(data["_id"], 16) + 1)[2:] #ID added to 1 
y = int(time.time()) + 15 # 15 = buffer 
z = hex(y)[2:] + x[8:] # join to rest 17 chars 
print("done", z) 
with open("abcd.txt", "w") as file: # to make copying easier

I will give the method in words too so you can make in any of programming language or do it manually (as I used to do)

  1. Get the ID of the last post made. Better make a new post and take its ID and add it by 1 (convert to decimal, add 1, convert to hex)(I will refer to this added ID as just ID)

  2. Add the current UTC time(secs) to a buffer (15 secs should be fine) x = UTC + buffer

  3. Convert the above result to hex, remove the 0x prefix and then join it to the rest of the ID(last 17 chars)

  4. After generation, wait for buffer - 1 secs and then post it! (1 second earlier since many times posting isn’t instant due to internet, etc)

Try it out below!

Feb 11, 2023, 6:20 AM
5 0 6

Epic post comping soon

Found this long ago but idk why I never posted this

Smallest chair in universe: Cyclohexane

You are not the problem. Everything else is.

By: Some guy who blames everything on everyone

Programming languages 😎

The only language that works in the vacuum of space is Sign Language.

Elon syndrome

/s /j

Kanye used to be such a good artist and designer. In the past 6 months he lost his mind! What happened?

Wasteof very active now! Rare sighting for me

Idk how i feel about that

It’s concerning that having real ingredients in food products is a marketing and selling point.