
Creator of a python package and @wasteof_bot!

Wasteof.money link archive! Comment if you know one

Agreed on NFTs. However crypto may be useful

Also currently most NFTs are scams, once the scams have gone down, we will see the practical use of it (if it has one)

Can we all agree that crypto and nfts are incredibly stupid

If only 1 person participates with a useless bot, they are gonna win anyway

Try to be that 1 person

Okay, as this month wraps up with no one having made a bot for the wasteof bot jam, I have to say that I am sorta disappointed that no one has made a bot. (no bias in saying that) What I wanted to say, Is that this month, there is a new jam. The rules are still the same (search "wasteof bot jam" to see the rules.) The stakes are also still the same. (very big!!!) But the difference this time is: 1) there is a jam theme. and 2) I want people to participate is it. The challenge is, though; drumroll please... it needs to do something with math and/or images. So, maybe, it could be a calculator. Or, maybe, it could be an algebra calculator that shows step and returns and image with the results and steps to solve. Its up to you! I want to see creativity, people! I hope that you choose to participate, and that you could maybe repost this and spread it around so more people can see this!! Thats all, folks (and I hope you choose to participate).

P.S. who thinks it would be cool if jeffalnolonger (Mr. @Jeffalo) made a bot?

P.P.S. sorry if there is grammar/spelling issues, I typed this for ten or fifteen minutes on the Kindle Paperwhite web browser with @ankit_anmol's wonderful wasteoflite.

Sep 28, 2022, 10:55 PM
8 1 12
Sep 29, 2022, 11:14 AM
3 0 0

CSS flexbox is so good

Just now I realized that we could move around the post editor pop-up and resize it! (Only on prod)

pretty cool imo! Should be on beta

Sep 27, 2022, 10:23 AM
4 0 3

I made a new feature:

@wasteof_bot recents to return latest posts in wasteof.money. But it is horribly slow due to time taken in API request (1.7 seconds for 2 requests)

It works by making a set of @ratio and @zu feeds and then converting to a list, then sorting by recent and then taking the first 15 posts and showing (5 if on /chat).

The 2 requests it makes is of 1.7 seconds total which makes it the slowest command of the bot.

Also use @wasteof_bot recents beta for getting beta links

Sep 24, 2022, 10:27 AM
6 1 12



Seriously, what?

Edit: OK got the answer. The endpoint returns whether we follow a user or not. In this case, @posts isn’t following jeffalo, so it’s false.

I confused it for this endpoint: https://api.wasteof.money/users/jeffalo/following/posts that returns posts of people he follows (basically his feed)

Sep 23, 2022, 2:36 PM
6 0 11

A github repo has an API token for a website in its code. (maybe the 10 people who starred it, actually thanked for the token lol)

The maintainer was active last time before 1 year and is a college student

Now what?

It’s back online!!

@wasteof_bot will be offline for idk how long since replit won’t load :(

@wasteof_bot will be offline for idk how long since replit won’t load :(

Recently i’ve noticed that my bot doesn’t respond to some commands and also is offline during the graphing time (and hence causes errors in graph generation).

So I need to figure out the problem: whether it’s because of some error or because of being offline. In addition, i’m setting up proper logging with pyEventLogger probably.

Please try reporting if the bot doesnt respond.

If you put a command and I don’t respond, then you can go here https://quantumcodes.statusflare.app/ and check whether i’m online or not.

If i’m online, and I didn’t respond, then comment on @Ankit_Anmol/wall including the link of the post that I didn’t respond to. Thanks!

Sep 9, 2022, 2:52 PM
1 0 1

@wasteof_bot graph | New command!! (To see the result, try yourself!)

The command isn’t complete yet so the bot didn’t release a post on how to use it.

Now it only shows your graph. But in the very near future, you can ask it to display other people’s graphs and also the overall wasteof.money users comparison chart!!

Sep 6, 2022, 4:08 PM
2 0 3

A really nice one!

I wonder who is responsible to dwarf everybody else's post count 🤔

Problem with graph images

Many of you may already know that I am trying to make a command in @wasteof_bot to post graphs.

Recently I realized that to update the graphs, I need to delete the previous ones(if I don’t, imgbb might get mad since I am doing this for free), then upload new images.

The problem is that when I upload new ones, they get different links. So all the posts containing the previous images that are deleted will not be having the image anymore.

How do I fix this? I am using imgbb API since wasteof only supports 2 external hosts and cubeupload doesn’t have a public API.

I thought of replacing images but that isn’t available in the API docs. I’m stuck now

If we could get preferred theme (light/dark mode) from API, then I would make a light mode graph too!

But I dont know how good idea it is to make preferred theme public

make sure to use `@wasteof_bot track` for such graphs

Aug 31, 2022, 11:03 AM
10 1 10