
Creator of a python package and @wasteof_bot!

Wasteof.money link archive! Comment if you know one

Scratch created my interest for programming,

I even learnt python initially only to change cloud variables lol

I don’t know about you guys, but I know that Scratch has played a massive role in my life and my path to becoming a web developer. It even influenced my choice of colleges and degrees. Heck, I even became a Christian as the result of a Scratch project that someone shared. As flawed as Scratch is, it’s still an amazing platform and I’d highly recommend donating in honor of the fifteenth anniversary to support the next generation of social programmers 😊

@korea and @algeria doing international trade discussions on wasteof

@Korea can we get a sample of some sushi?

Question to beta users:

Can you view this in wasteof 3?


For me, there is a 500 error. When I click the link, apple's comments appear under my post and I can’t reply to my post cuz wasteof keeps saying to provide content when it’s already there.

Ghost post? 👻

May 13, 2022, 1:31 PM
0 0 4

Predicted comment ID before posting 😎

For anyone who knows to check from API (compare content with _id)

can you guess your comment id before you post it?

May 10, 2022, 3:21 PM
6 1 3

Scrollerbar on a post! (wo3) https://beta.wasteof.money/posts/626f160382a908270915ebab

The white rectangle on the right. It actually scrolls

@jeffalo bug

May 4, 2022, 12:07 PM
5 0 7

Login in wom3 with non beta account 🤣

May 1, 2022, 2:00 PM
9 0 5

Beta feedback:


Replacing emoji icons to actual icons will fix one more issue not listed here)

0. [New Suggestion] Drafting posts would be cool!

  1. [New Suggestion] Add the image button that’s available for admins(wasteof2) in post editor.

  2. [New Suggestion] Allow markdown/formatting in the description box

  3. [Bug] Can't edit wasteof 2 about me.

  4. [UI fix] Create padding for each block during editing of profile. The "X" button is too close to the border.

  5. [UI Suggestion] The link text and underline should be of same color.

  6. [UI Suggestion] If there is any limit to what we can write in profile textbox, then there should be a character counter. (There another limit issue.. referenced in issue 8.

  7. [UI fix] In tab, the follow button is right under the color drop-down. It should be on the right I think

  8. [Bug] Even when we crossed limit, it doesnt say that limit exceeded. It just accepts and inserts locally in the browser. Limit is followed(excess character removed) when page is reloaded.

  9. [Bug] Maybe is a bug that we can feature ourselves? (Or feature)

  10. [New feature] Editing comments????

  1. [Bug] Add padding on posts and its editor. The ordered list bullets overflows out to left edge when there are >9 points(double digit bullets)

  2. [Bug] We can make a post with more than 1500 chars in beta. Just like this post :P (let this post be as it is)

  3. [New feature] In settings page, add font selector. I personally don’t like monospaced font… New font added and looks better

  4. [Bug] Selecting text and clicking on bold in post editor doesn’t work. Italic does..

  5. [New feature] Highlight in different colors. (Idc whether it’s added or not but would have been useful to this post specifically)

  6. [Bug] Add stats block multiple times. Now stats block necessary and can only be added 1 time.

  7. [New feature] Detect long posts and minimize automatically in feed. There should be a maximizer expand button for those posts fixed by scrollerbar.

  8. [Bug] Why is there a scrollerbar in this post? https://beta.wasteof.money/posts/626f160382a908270915ebab it wasn’t a bug. It’s a feature

  9. [UI fix] Separate read messages from unread with a clear line. Now only pagination separates it

Putting 3 dots in a row removes spaces between them. Cool easteregg/feature

Edit: jeffalo speedrunning theses features lol

May 1, 2022, 1:09 PM
1 0 14

Invited to wasteof 3 beta!!

Why does https://wasteof.money/admin redirect back to wasteof.money in the same way a logged in user cannot visit login page? 🤔Something is there…

Is admin page just a switch-back page to no longer be admin or its double purposed i.e. functional page for real admins? Cuz the admin button in topnav bar links there and admin.wasteof.money also exists

Also @jeffalo , can moderators ban each other? Why is there an “unban yourself“ button there? 😂

Apr 24, 2022, 1:34 PM
5 0 10

Possibly the post with most comments! 66atm.

Also least love-comment ratio. Just 1 love now 🤣

(Not loved by @rules themselves)

Edit: Jeffalo's first post has 104 comments but 57 likes https://wasteof.money/posts/60c4977c59c722b5661559c6


1. No swearing of any sort

1.1 Including words like cr*p, fr*ck, *ss).

2. Respect everyone

2.1 Do not insult or make fun of users in a mean way (EG posting "jeffalo is bad").

2.2 This includes "trolling" people.

3. Don't impersonate

3.1 Do not pretend to be anyone you are not.

3.2 "Parody" accounts count as impersonations.

4. No using emojis or emoticons

4.1 For legal reasons, all emojis and emoticons are banned from being used on the site.

5. No "hacking" other users

5.1 Do not attempt to gain access to anybody's account.

5.2 This includes signing into somebody else's account with their permission.

5.3 No encouraging "hacking".

6. No copyright infringement

6.1 Referencing anything that you don't own the rights to is not allowed.

7. No links to unmoderatted chat.

7.1 Do not link to any website where users are able to chat.

8. Do not attempt to break the website in any way

8.1 Self explanatory.

9. Do not create "Bots"

9.1 Accounts controlled by "robots" will be removed immediately.

10. Moderator's decisions are final.

10.1 There is no appealing if you are banned.

Breaking one of these rules will result in an instant ban. If you have any more questions, reply to this post and a moderator will help you.

Jun 12, 2021, 2:31 PM
6 2 79
Apr 23, 2022, 11:02 AM
3 1 4

My country's education system: No calculators allowed. btw why u so slow? SOLVE EVERY QUESTION IN 1 MINUTE WITH ACCURACY OF 2 DECIMAL PLACES!

I can’t even leave the answer like 59/19282 or 43^½ … Gotta divide and write 😅

The better you get at math, the better calculators you get to use.


the scratch team straight up removed comments to solve the filter issue

I’ve been here for 6 months wow