
Creator of a python package and @wasteof_bot!

Wasteof.money link archive! Comment if you know one

@ratio ‘s and @zu ‘s post feed would be like recent posts feature

You both can make a website where you mirror your feed for us lollll

New feature! Go and opt in!

New command: Track

By using:

@wasteof_bot track | (anywhere in wasteof)
wob track | (Only in /chat)

You give me permission to track your statistics on a daily basis. Through this, you will be able to use a new upcoming feature: Statistics graphs!

If you want to look at your graphs as soon as the feature comes out, comment down:

@wasteof_bot track

Spread this news! If enough people join, I might make a whole wasteof follow graph comparing all users(with/without username idk) once permission is acquired!

Also once enough data is collected that the graph doesn’t look empty, the time period of tracking will increase to once per week

Aug 25, 2022, 10:30 AM
4 2 19


Wasteof.money is not a good username. And here’s why:

By the power of manifestation, create a website called waste, it will be a waste. and there is nothing funny about a waste of money! Just remember, the universe is at your command. At this point, I probably sound like a meditation geek; I’m not, but I still believe in manifestation.

Repost limit is removed!! Or reduced idk

hi guys

Sent from my Asus Vivobook Pro 16X OLED

hi guys

Sent from my MacBook Air

Aug 17, 2022, 12:23 PM
8 1 0

I might have deleted my wasteof password from my password manager lol…

I hope I don’t get logged out. If I do, I have github auth anyway so I will be fine

Aug 11, 2022, 3:20 PM
4 0 7


very important announcement (/j): the scratch team implemented a suggestion


Aug 8, 2022, 7:13 PM
10 3 9

Don’t try it. I am saying with experience

RIP @-_-what-_-

four. big. guys.

try posting the above sentence in a new post (you WILL get banned, i am NOT responsible for it)

Aug 5, 2022, 9:43 AM
10 2 24
Aug 5, 2022, 12:49 PM
3 0 0

@wasteof_bot rolldice 100000 | .

If you all have any other command idea, comment it

New command: Rolldice!! 🎲 (Idea: @reidling-- )


`@wasteof_bot rolldice [No. Of faces of dice]` where `No. Of faces` is optional. Can be 1 to 1000000000000000

`wob rolldice [No. Of faces]` in /chat only.

It can be used as a random number picker.

Aug 4, 2022, 3:28 PM
3 1 0
Aug 4, 2022, 3:35 PM
1 0 4

Really long chain lol

Who needs repost bots anyway

@wasteof_bot coinflip |

Heads = I remove this feature

New command: Coinflip!! 🪙

Why? Because making decisions is hard. This will make your life easier! (Or difficult depending on the implications of that decision you took randomly 🪦)


`@wasteof_bot coinflip [No. Of coins]` where `No. Of coins` is optional. Can be 1 to 10

`wob coinflip [No. Of coins]` in /chat only.

If you want to have a rolldice command(including multiple dice) or a random number picker command because your exams has 4 options and not 2, comment below which one you prefer!

Some QOL changes:

  • Now if you mistakenly added a space after the command, it ignores it and doesn’t treat it invalid

  • Separator ` | ` added. If you put this separator after your command, it ignores everything after it. Note that the separator must have 2 spaces on each side of it.

    Correct: `@wasteof_bot joke | hello`

    Wrong: `@wasteof_bot joke |hello`

    Wrong: `@wasteof_bot joke| hello`

Separator used in this post: https://wasteof.money/posts/62e28f95f5d720db927fc775

Jul 28, 2022, 12:14 PM
3 1 8

https://wasteofmoney.com redirects to Facebook?!

They literally bought the domain to steal users from this site lol

Nobody used the wasteof chat in the past 2 days… (fact)
