Pinned post time
Haiiiiiiiii :3 im Melody (i wonder how long it will take for someone to notice this change)
I like playing video games, I have a a hacked wii and 3Ds and a vanilla switch, if you want friend codes lmk. My favourite games are portal, splatoon and Pokémon
I’m also a “coder” who kinda understands what she’s doing.
the me????
i do the technology and hacking and shit (even though i could never hack anything myself without a guide)
cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but I’m allergic)
kinda stupid
im girl
Contact me at:
Discord @whenthesilly
my discord server with my bot (pls join):
My beta sidebar (rip beta)
my discord bot:
my cool site: (usually most up to date place for links and stuff
im voting
The Eevee Associates for America.
America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.
me: plugging in anything
my raspberry pi: hwmon: hwmon1: undervoltage detected!
Me, plugging in an external hard drive
The computer: 'D:'
Teacher: “You will be given a task for this study tour”
Everyone in the class: “D:”
get powertoys n00b
wasteof life cycle:
war starts that no one knows about
someone waits until the drama dies down to comment about how they dislike drama
someone restarts the drama
why did you restart the drama
me and @radi8 have been working on a python wrapper or the wasteof api, almost all endpoints are finished. we still have /users and /settings to do and some general polish. once it’s finished i will release it on my github and maybe even pypi if i ever figure out how.
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