
#freelily |​| pfp drawn by @marlolikesfrogs |​| she/her

Pinned post time 📌

Haiiiiiiiii :3 im Melody (i wonder how long it will take for someone to notice this change)

I like playing video games, I have a a hacked wii and 3Ds and a vanilla switch, if you want friend codes lmk. My favourite games are portal, splatoon and Pokémon

I’m also a “coder” who kinda understands what she’s doing.

the me????

  • i do the technology and hacking and shit (even though i could never hack anything myself without a guide)

  • cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but I’m allergic)

  • kinda stupid

  • im girl

Contact me at:

My beta sidebar (rip beta)



Feb 20, 2023, 2:23 PM
8 0 26

Cant wait for wasteof.anAppleDevSubscription to come out

@jeffalo please don’t add a 60 second vertical video feature

Okay so I have just recently learned how stupid people are (This is all TikTok related). Apparently there was a “Light yourself on fire challenge” try to guess what people did? They lit themselves on fire… with gasoline. Also there was a blackout challenge where people held their breath to blackout. Guess what? People died. They didn’t know oxygen was a necessary thing to live

Oct 20, 2022, 2:13 PM
20 10 14

Advice to me: actually code and stop using block baseds

advice to all Java users: learn anything else

advice to all c/++ users: learn rust

Advice to all Python users: learn JavaScript

So berdly is ok?

Just beat Snowgrave Spamton. Poor Noelle…

So the firewall has a suggest why it should be unlocked feature (why doesn’t every one have this ) so how should I structure the reply?

Guys my school blocked every search engine except google please help

Guys my school blocked every search engine except google please help

I was about to win a match and gota comms error

There was 20 seconds left too

guys my school got securly and blocked a bunch of websites

Wow TOH s3 e1 was good but a bit sad


This slightly slaps thought y’all’s be interested

TOH s3 comes out tomorrow! I’m really exited!

Did you know that Kansas is the only state that starts with a k


I swear people don't know how to use ‘dead chat’ and ‘based’ correctly…

Please don't set up a clone of this bot and set them against each other

I made a new bot… @repeater

Literally just say anything and it will reply with what you said. Literally useless but its cool lol.

Source: https://git.holy.how/randem13/repeaterbot/

Oct 6, 2022, 6:56 PM
5 2 5