
https://toaks.sparkshell.sh/ Um, what the sigma? Official treasurer of the Crack house.Straight White Male. Pacific Time Zone

Today my family is going camping but I'm not so I get my dream vacation! :D

I reposted the wrong post whoops this post got onto the very bottom of trending today on wasteof.mobile :D

As an avid yard worker, let me tell you that the worst plants are blackberries. They grow too much, too quickly, underground, and are spiky.

It's funny how this community (or at least the part I'm in) on wasteof is very tight knit and everyone follows everyone else

My favorite cartoon sound is goofy's "a'hyuck"

As an avid yard worker, let me tell you that the worst plants are blackberries. They grow too much, too quickly, underground, and are spiky.

Possible unpopular opinion but the meta verse is really useful for hanging with friends who are long distance

Is today someone's birthday or something

Why do pictures of Sam get more likes than pictures of Jo Jo?

Quote of the day: “You chose to put your clothes in it even though it’s a laser, you live with the consequences.” 

Is the best form of music digital, CDs, records, or hiring a band?

My favorite kind of horrible issue is the one that should have options about it but doesn't

He dislikes the human.

This picture makes me go lesgsgagaggahahhhhggt

Jo Jo is high