
chat, fact check this statement

our society is going in a weird direction, only a few years ago we thought ar and vr were gonna be a thing but now its all generative ai or whatever.

also openai should change their name it’s extremely misleading

i wish they made it easier to change your user directory name, its really messed my computer up both times ive changed it

petition to add a dislike button to posts, but then remove it

Alright before a flame war starts, I don’t think you understand what you are talking about as a whole since this looks really bad / how to make a statement since this is extremely insensitive, and i would recommend either deleting this or rewording this if you want to understand what you just said better.

Edit: Now I get the idea why. Can we stop the discourse now?

I kinda don’t get why trans people exists. What’s so enticing about being able to change genders while they’re not really getting the potential benefits of actually changing them?

And while we’re at it, why are most of the trans memes I’ve been getting recently girly?

Mar 24, 2023, 8:12 AM
2 11 13

imagine wasteof used an id system that was like base1000, and incremental (as opposed to base64 and randomish)

it would start out like /posts/a but then you get like /posts/¾ which would look cool but would also be a terrible idea in the grand schema of things.

now imagine this was how usernames worked…

if my popularity was a graph it would be a literal sine wave

hey @jeffalo I just caught wind that there’s a user who takes MORNING SHOWERS. This is a bannable offence, please make sure to ban this user when you get the chance:

ID: 60c4976b59c722b5661559c4

listen to it or else :)

might as well use wasteof to promote music!! my latest song (that’s been in the making for quite some time now) is finally out!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/778571845/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8AfeD3E8nA

Mar 20, 2023, 12:11 AM
4 0 0

that sounds like a wonderful idea

@wynd repost this and make me the most popular alt


wasteof is owned by svelte confirmed 😱

3.1423 wait that’s not how it goes

Imagine you could use contractions with any word and could chain them. you’re’nt ready for this

Mar 10, 2023, 11:21 AM
11 0 7

imagine reposting with comments, would lead to some great out of context comments in reposts

Feb 28, 2023, 1:41 AM
7 0 5

I figured it out !