
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

mi sama e jan utala pi tenpo ni li suli a

mi jo e sona pi kasi en soweli en kiwen a

mi sona e jan lawa pi ma Inli li sona e ni:

ma Malaton e Watalu kepeken nanpa kulupu

owowowow i stubbed my toe

fun fact: i have never eaten a

(donotforgetmycode song title reference?!?!?!?!)

fun fact: i have never eaten a grill

fun fact: i have never eaten a grilled cheese

The world would be a better place if we all agreed that everyone has the right to exist comfortably, and that we should do as little harm to each other and the world as possible.

Its sad that so many humans don’t seem to understand this very very basic fact, or think that there are exceptions to it.

I hadn’t noticed it until it was pointed out, but besides verifiäble proof, blaze really just talks like owenathletic

is it a bad idea to switch to linux if i am a total n00b who has never used linux and doesn’t know what a kernal is (is that even important‽)

Feb 12, 2024, 2:44 PM
3 0 2

should I try battery acid spaghetti?

Feb 12, 2024, 11:58 AM
7 1 3

I used to think the dvorak layout was called that because the first six keys on the top row were dvorak

smh, kids these days will literally buy copper from ea nāṣir

only 2000 bc kids will get it 😔

a dog walks into a tavern and says „I can’t see a thing, well I guess I’ll open this one“

Feb 11, 2024, 8:36 PM
5 0 0

a dog walks into a tavern and says „I can’t see a thing, well I guess I’ll open this one“

we’re screwed

holy heck you can hide the members list on discord 🤯

because it rhymes,

why do people say "see you later, alligator" when they say goodbye? and then the person they're leaving says "in a while, crocodile?" i don't get it, why do we even need to mention alligators and crocodiles like that? what's wrong with just saying "see you later" or "bye"? let's stop with all this crazy animal talk when we're departing from each other, and just keep it simple.

something I’ve never understood about sheet music is like, wdym „there is only one key with a given number of accidentals“, like, wouldn’t C Aeolian and C Dorian flat two both have 3ree flats? I get 3at if you limit it to diatonic scales and modes, 3is is 3e case, but, how is one meant to represent the modes of any o3er heptatonic scale?

„sometimes special people come into our lives, stay for a bit, and then they have to go“

„but that’s sad“

„but the bit where they were here was happy, wasn’t it?“