
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

„I'm not even trans. I just want to have the ability to commit various instances of tomfoolery, antics, shenanigans, and mischief by cloaking my voice. I will hold this ability under lock and key for years all in preparation for one wayward joke“

holy heck, english „essence“ comes from the latin verb „to be“

tfw someone calls a constellation by the english name

I think it’s interesting that „good morning“ basically means hello, and „have a nice day“ basically means bye

have fun

fun: have

fun fact: I have

fun fact: i have never

fun fact: I have

fun fact: i have never

anti-geminus was such a goofy name,




oops! your files have been encrypted.

augmented triad I am being scratched and they keep talking about an „oh knee tan“

the degree to which the nekos that kidnapped me are talking about ohio is rather alarming

I don’t know who ðis „anon desk“ you speak of is, but I assure you, I am a human being

I find it odd that rens2’s profile says „full-time wasteofian“ when they’ve been here six times as long as I have, and I have more than twice as many posts as them

I noticed that the wasteof privacy policy says „jeffalobob @ gmail dot com“, is this to prevent bots getting in?

is there a word for solstices and equinoxes?

the degree to which the nekos that kidnapped me are talking about ohio is rather alarming

I don’t know who ðis „anon desk“ you speak of is, but I assure you, I am a human being