
i either do or don't exist - zagle.neocities.org

haha I’m going to abuse 3e bug 3at let’s you post 3e same 3ing several times!

haha I’m going to abuse 3e bug 3at let’s you post 3e same 3ing several times!

just wanted to remind the people here that children (and all the other kinds of people who deserve to live) are still being bombed and starved in Gaza

I know that this is mostly a site about things like programming or art or other generally casual topics, but I do feel like this isn’t being talked about enough on here, I haven’t seen anything about it in my feed for weeks, if not over a month

Please at least think and/or talk about this crisis, thank you

Feb 18, 2024, 4:53 PM
33 13 21

idea: fediverse, but it’s a governmental system instead of a social network 🤯🤯🤯 /j

„in the Netherlands, the concept of a stop sign was first introduced in 1941 by the German occupation force, however, this first version included a yield triangle, and didn’t require a complete stop if there was no cross traffic. so if you think people should stop at a stop sign in all cases, you are literally more extreme than the Nazis“

interaction between me and my sister

1: what do chickens give you (tone of voice seems to suggest 3is is one of 3ose boast-coast-ghost-host-most-post-roast-bread gotchas)
2 (me): ebg
1: what else?
2: chimken
1: what else?
2: brain parasite :3
1: what do you sleep on?
2: brain parasite :3
1: no like what do you put under your head when you sleep?
2: brain parasite :3
1: what does your dad sleep on?
2: brain parasite :3
1: no like what does he put under his head when he sleeps?
2: brain parasite :3
1: okay, what does your grandpa sleep on?
2: m, turtle
1: what does your other grandpa sleep on?
2: wha- HAVE YOU NOT BEEN PLAYING ANY ATTENTION‽ IT'S [brain parasite :3]

Feb 17, 2024, 8:21 PM
11 1 2




cōnfringendum malum

I’m gonna change my color dot


what no yes you do

edit: okay i know what Fir is saying is 3at 3e governments (3is also applies to the usonian police force!) don’t 3ink 3ey need a reason to kill someone, but in relation to what Russian said, it seems like Fir is in favor of governments killing people for no reason, sorry if i misunderstood

Feb 16, 2024, 10:13 PM
3 0 2

suspended augmented second chord

scale with a diminished second

*laughter track*

holy heck

I thought australia was way smaller than usonia

I was wrong

maybe I should start using conworkshop again