
Can I have an account? :D

Account named slider pls?

Account named finger:


put your phone away waltuh

you can’t edit Wikipedia right now waltuh

ni li pona mute!

Cool! I allude be fine to help (YOOO 69 LOL)

*wouldn't mind helping

Account named Mistysloth or Archbtw please

which one do you prefer

already added them

really cool! would be happy to help out if you need more contributors :)

what do you want your username to be

da-ta or Auriali works, whichever one is easier

guess ill go with Auriali since da-ta would turn into Da-ta because mediawiki

works for me

ok your account has been created

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can i have an account

Copperfish or CopperFish?

the latter

can I have an account?

yeah sure. will do when i get back from walk


Ooh, looks awesome! An account would be nice :)


Preferably all lowercase if that's a thing!

unfortunately not possible. i’m User:Jeffalo 😢

Aight, fine with me then!

or is MicahLT better?

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Can I have one; Ankit_Anmol

i don’t think we can have underscores?

hm i think underscores are valid but they will be a space. is that fine?

Can I have an account? (My name without the dashes to avoid messing up anything. I don’t have discord but I have a account and I can give you that if you like)

we’re currently discussing everything wiki related in the discord so you’re going to need a discord account. at least until the wiki is more fleshed out

Could you set up a discord-matrix bridge? There’s one on GitHub I can send to you

i can, but i would rather not..

Oh, that’s fine.

I get it might seem sketchy so here’s the page I found it from

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Could you speak to me on /chat? I need to explain how to set up the bridge. (If it matters I’ll be on prod /chat)

gotta go for a walk real quick.

Alr, I’ll stay online for a while

Can I inquire about the availability of the name didi on the wiki. The account didi on that is a account I would very much want to possess.

Do you need my name of my discord account?

Can I also please have an account? :) (Same username pls)

Coolkat or CoolKat?

Coolkat please :)

do you have discord?

Wait… why can’t I log in?

Thanks! :)

can i have one please

sure, TheAwesome98?

May I please have one?

Scoldercreations or ScolderCreations?

Second one please.

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