random thought

what would happen, if during the world cup finals, both teams walk on and put on a rainbow armband or whatever during their anthems and then just continue with the games?

whats qatar gonna do? cancel the world cup finals then and there? if they care so much for their public image that would certainly not go down well for them. (there is also a lot of money in the world cup)

if both teams do it they're not forfeiting the ability to win. in my books both teams would be winners.

and imo (maybe hot take) using that incredibly rare opportunity to show some solidarity and raise awareness is much more brave than kicking a ball around some more


or maybe nations don’t have to bring in fucking politics to football? I hate qatar’s laws just as much as the next guy but there are better ways to raise awareness. And qatar said players would be booked if they players wore rainbow armbands, so they already had a rule set in place.

i mean — qatar IS a muslim country and lgbtq+ is a major sin in islam — so it’s either they let people do whatever they want or go to hell

the only thing i care is rainbow armband (very pog)

I 100 percent disagree. kinda going off of @oren's comment, if Facebook can catch wind of this site and buy the domain wasteofmoney.com then the officials in FIFA can.

facebook does not own wasteofmoney.com lol

then who bought it I thought they did

last sentence gives off r/IHateSportsBall vibes but otherwise I agree

of course the actual sport is incredibly impressive and i have massive respect the players who play it. i just think going against human rights abuse etc. is probably more brave.

I 100% agree with you. pretty cool sport but you’re right about actually showing a stand being more.. useful to society lol

i partially agree with your last point, the players cant do anything about where the world cup is hosted (why did Fifa agree to host it in Qatar?), and obviously it is their job to kick the ball around and try to win - but i think acting rebellious together sounds like a hypothetically possible thing that would be cool

i wish, that would be cool

FIFA said anyone who’d wear one (at least the one love armband) would get a red card. I’m not usually Interested in football but I decided to read a bit about the lgbtq+ aspect

yeah. but if both teams did it during the finals?

Yea, would be good but unrealistic. Id love it if it happened though

it is only the captain who gets booked, it wouldn’t have been a whole team thing

Yellow, not red

It would never happen because the (corrupt) officials would get wind of it and threaten everyone

oh there’s context i’m missing, would qatar have a problem with that?

they aren’t very happy with lgbtq+ people, at least according to wikipedia

but obviously this would never happen.