Ok look, I want to preface this by saying I am not saying this out of hate for anyone, but because I think your ignorance may cause actual harm to people.

it’s kind of obvious that this post is referring to the fat/body positivity movement. And yeah you know what, telling people to be unhealthy is bad. But no one actually does that. What people do, is tell fat or obese people that they shouldn’t feel like their bodies are inherently ugly (which by the way finding fat people ugly is rooted in actual racism) it’s telling them that despite what people have said, being obese is not a moral failing. Because you know what people do when they’re made to feel that way? TW EDS, SELF HARM! They starve and sometimes even hurt or kill themselves. They feel terrible. TW END. People don’t celebrate poor health. They celebrate that their bodies are beautiful and worthy of love. People are obese for a variety of reasons; mental health, genetics, disease, and yes, eating too much or not exercising enough. But none of those things mean anyone deserves to be shamed. So yeah. It is ok for people to be obese, because their health is their business, and no one should refrain from celebrating themselves or their bodies just because they are unhealthy.

Hot take: people should not celebrate or endorse obesity. Making something that is very unhealthy seem okay isn't right, especially something like weight.

Edit: I wholeheartedly do not mean to insult or make anyone feel bad. I support anyone who is fat, being fat does not make you a bad person or anything, but it's extremely important to understand that weight issues can be big health problems and it's important to care about weight.

Again, I mean no harm to anyone. If you are feeling depressed or negative, please reach out. There are people who will support you.

Oct 3, 2023, 3:31 PM
15 3 0



I feel like people should just be honest, being fat/obese is a personal choice. If you chose to not work out, then you have a higher chance of heart disease, and there are a tons of disadvantages, like traveling on an airplane, not being able to do a lot of things, being generally not very mobile. But some people love eating a lot, so it’s worth it to them. We obviously should not shame people, but we also don’t want to gaslight them into thinking being fat has no disadvantages, because it does, it’s a fair trade off, you eat tons of food and can drink as much soda as you want, but on the flip side, you live shorter and some things are harder to do. Doctors and the media should accurately explain the side effects, and let people make the decision for themselves. And we ofc should judge people by what they choose to do with their life, because life is short, and people are entitled to lead their own life

log out

literally no one asked you

the “i know i’m wrong so i have no response” response

What am I supposed to respond to? You just said to log out? I was saying leave me alone unless your actually gonna challenge an idea

maybe you should follow my advice ^^

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No one was mad or argueing until this point. It’s always a civil debate until you show up

i never said any of that, i just think your comment is really weird and you should log out and touch grass!! fyi, lying about someone to their face doesn’t make your argument stronger, as a matter of fact, it does the opposite.

Also, why are you mad, I literally said we shouldn’t shame fat people.

i just think saying it’s a personal choice is weird!!!! :3

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Based esben as always

There are some other factors like dna but for the most part, yeah.

I know toaks didn’t mean any harm. It’s just that we can’t be endorsing something that it unhealthy and has 0 benefits. I know it’s their business but others care for the physical well-being of each other - I wouldn’t want my friends to die of strokes at young ages (which are twice as likely being fat) But I think constructive criticism on how to loose weight is always better than shaming.

Also the body positivity movement was meant for people who had tragic accidents, like loosing a leg or having an arson attack, but overcoming this despite having extra challenges/lost body parts from these attacks. It was never for fat people.

Also a strong body really helps with a positive mind so fat people will fill extremely proud when they loose weight, physically and mentally, and exercise is one of the best things to battle mental health with. So yeah, we just need to constructively encourage people to loose weight

“We” don’t though. I literally said in the beginning that I’m not saying to good to be unhealthy. No one has ever said that. But it’s no one else’s business what anyone else does with their bodies. Most people don’t choose to be obese, and it’s really difficult for people to lose weight. I don’t want to argue with either of you because I know it won’t go anywhere, but I think it’s wrong to judge other people about their weight, especially if you don’t know them. They should be allowed to just exist in peace, healthy or not.

Let’s agree to disagree then since I think it’s good to encourage others to get in a more healthy body that’s better for their health physically and mentally.

“(which by the way finding fat people ugly is rooted in actual racism)“ Bro what?

That is not what I said, what I said is that the idea that all obese or fat people are ugly is rooted in racism.

That is literally a direct quote from the post what do you mean that’s not what you said?

It’s referencing the line before it? I’m not talking about personal preferences, I’m taking about the societal idea

Is the societal idea not rooted in personal preferences?

No? And there is no such thing as being objectively ugly, the American idea of beauty is based on Eurocentricism to being with.

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This is somewhat related, but I think hot take posts on issues like this are very difficult to do well. The thing with hot take posts is they are usually designed to be short and concise, which works for things like if pineapple belongs on pizza, but when it comes to topics like this that require more nuance and detail it just makes the person seem rude or inconsiderate when they weren’t intending that. Like I’m not saying “no hot take posts about multifaceted topics” but that they need to be more descriptive and that folks ensure they are properly conveying what they really think rather than a dumbed down and overly simplistic version because this is the result of not doing that, which isn’t great.

I fully agree

common princess W

also ive seen ppl tend to overlook progress made when people post their ongoing journeys to be healthy online, even if its just a normal weight person trying to get fit? which is?? so questionable?? 😵‍💫 mainly seen this on insta but im sure it happens on other platforms too

like theyre goin, let em do their thing

That’s very not cool, makes me happy I’m not on insta tho… Also tysm :)

🤍 ye i got onto gymstagram (idk how lol my lifestyle is running to class and skipping meals because i am Very Poor) and honestly just.,,,,,, avoid comment sections at all costs

oofies that is no fun. Yeah that sounds like a good idea, I haven’t heard great things abt insta comment sections in general


Not trying to shame anyone. Being fat or something similar does not make you a bad person, or an ugly person, or someone not deserving love. However, it is important to try to have a healthy body. I support people who are fat, and I understand that they may be a victim of circumstance, but I don't think it's the healthiest thing :)

I don’t either but I also think that your post may have unintended consequences of making people feel bad about themselves. I appreciate your agreement and receptiveness though.