[removed - i highly recommend you take a look at your latest admin message]
If you had $100, and someone stole $1 from you, you wouldn’t throw your $99 away, would you? Let’s say you have 100 years to live, there will be hard time in life, and you may struggles for a few years, but you will conquer your challenges, everyone believes in you. Just because there are temporary challenges doesn’t mean you should throw your life away. You can do this, stay strong o7
judging by the comments, i’m guessing this is something about suicide
taking the “easy” way out won’t ever help. suicide won’t take your pain, it will pass it to someone else. there are so many people that love and care for you. please don’t.
I know little about your situation, but I promise you there’s a better way out.
please dont… suicide is bad, and you’ll regret not living a full life.
hey hey if this is in your control please don’t. i want to see you succeed and live such a better life and have the time and ability to grow
If this relates to suicide, don’t. Do not give up yet, you are not the faint of heat. You can do this. I know you can. You are loved. And things will get better. There is always someone in your life you can turn to.
Or maybe this was just a quote from a movie and I look like an idiot, and your mental state is actually fine :/
you can't do it. we all love you (platonically) and want you to be alive. there is more to life to discover and it isn't worth it to do it.