My fellow wasteof users, we did it. Thank you for voting for insanity! I am very humbled to be your president-elect. I will work tirelessly to ensure silliness prevails. Thank you to everyone who voted for me and also spread the word to help our grassroots campaign make such a shockwave. Well done to my opponents too, your campaigns were great and I admire your work to win this election. To those who didn’t vote for me, I will work twice as hard to ensure I can convince you all that I am the right person for the job. Thank you to my vice president-elect @perrin for being my running mate, he will work just as hard for the people as I will.


Want to get real for just a moment, this has been really fun and shows to best of wasteof imo, a simple joke about me replacing Joe Biden spiralled into a joke presidential campaign where tons of you guys got really creative with your own campaigns or supporting others campaigns was really awesome to see, honestly didn’t expect to win, I always see myself as a bit of an outsider here since I don’t really code and whatnot, but clearly I was mistaken lol. All of this stuff also just pushed me to 100 followers on this account too! This is my second account to do so (first being da-ta), thank you very much!


I’ll reveal my government and cabinet picks once I get the @president account off of @oren who made it for safekeeping. For now, thank you for everything! Back to normal service!

UPDATE I have the @president account now! Formerly Auri24.

Jul 31, 2024, 7:18 PM
10 1 3


Huge W. Congrats on 100!

I like how you put an edge on the red scribbles over the “in” of insanity

Can't wait to be treasurer 🥰