
i write code and build electronics badly

yay funny about me post for adhd man

My name is Nolan


Me am like to code (https://github.com/3xiondev/)

Electronics hobbyist

Arteest (deviantart.com/3xionDeviant/)

Graffic design or whatever it’s called

Men and women are both as attractive as each other, at least to me

For any questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to [email protected]. No, I’m not joking, this is my real email.

Website: https://3xiondev.vercel.app/ (i’m broke okay i can’t afford 3xion.dev)

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/3xiondev/ (Moved from https://scratch.mit.edu/users/---Necro---/)

Atheist but I won’t push it in your face if you don’t push religion in mine

I draw ridiculous chemicals sometimes so you’ll occasionally see me on r/cursedchemistry, but you need to have taken a chemistry course to understand the full cursedness of the images

Aug 31, 2023, 4:16 AM
1 0 4

oh no i forgot to post today (i was weeding all of our six huge gardens)

@imadeanaccount and @radi8 are great help when it comes to code

i was playing on an xbox party with my friends when people from his Rust clan joined, and they started being jerks to me, so i used wireshark to capture their IPs. now, they don’t know how IP addresses work, and I would bet they don’t know what IP stands for, so when I told them their IPs they freaked out and left. made me happy, because I know that having your IP captured is not dangerous unless it is distributed online, where it can be DDoSed by some asshole with LOIC.

@radi8 how do you get a wasteof auth token for use with the API? sorry if this is a dumb question, i’ve never really worked with APIs before

I wrote a python script that convinces my friends that i hacked their snapchat account

i wrote a python script when i was learning python to do the percent of numbers cuz i was bored

I wrote a python script to download the unicode emoji list and extract every single emoji, not the name or anything.

i wrote a python script that lets me put numbers into a list and then sort them by ascending all just so i can save 3 seconds on my algebra homework

now i’m not a nerd, but i did write a python script to convert textivate resources into blooket sets

Sep 15, 2023, 12:29 PM
4 1 0

follow @tanay_mishra he is good person that i know irl

@jeffalo this is a very yummy accent color system (beta.wasteof.money)

it’s 11:40 at night, i’m exhausted, seems like a great time to play tom clancy’s rainbow six siege


To make your day more dramatic, post a random news story with the title, “It begins.“

kids at my school be like: how do you type so fast?

bitch i don’t go outside, that’s how

hey @jeffalo what do i have to do to become a beta tester

oh no i forgot to be gay today

guess i’ll have to be double gay tomorrow ;-)

not everyone will be with me on this, but hear me out.

ChatGPT is actually fire when it comes to normal conversation.

Today I decided to run a little experiment, and I asked it to have an intelligent debate about the fading relevance of Walton generators and other high voltage converters. To my surprise, it produced an exceedingly impressive counterargument and actually managed to prove me wrong. This was not anticipated, as I’ve never seen CGPT win in a debate about a legitimate topic. In fact, I was so impressed (and interested) that I debated various topics with it…16 more times. It won most of them. Needless to say, I was very impressed at its skill at normal conversation. I just want to put this out there: if you ever want to just talk to something, ChatGPT is a great alternative to real people, as it will generally always know what you’re talking about.