
i write code and build electronics badly

yay funny about me post for adhd man

My name is Nolan


Me am like to code (https://github.com/3xiondev/)

Electronics hobbyist

Arteest (deviantart.com/3xionDeviant/)

Graffic design or whatever it’s called

Men and women are both as attractive as each other, at least to me

For any questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to [email protected]. No, I’m not joking, this is my real email.

Website: https://3xiondev.vercel.app/ (i’m broke okay i can’t afford 3xion.dev)

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/3xiondev/ (Moved from https://scratch.mit.edu/users/---Necro---/)

Atheist but I won’t push it in your face if you don’t push religion in mine

Aug 31, 2023, 4:16 AM
0 0 4

I have taken down the backrooms game for the moment so that i can release 1.4 safely! game will be back in a little while. will post an update when game is back up. (the game is still on my replit, but you are unable to play it. i did this because i cant afford deployments on replit.)

goooooood morning

uhhhh can anyone explain the working principle of the lava lamp to me in simple terms? i know how it works already, but i’m trying to explain it to my friend and i can’t for the life of me figure out how to explain it to him who doesn’t understand density and stuff

yo this is such a frame (teardown is the game)

Just wanna say that if you stereotype someone based on their ethnicity/nationality, then you need to rethink your life decisions. This came to me after the class discussion on racial profiling and hate crimes after 9/11. Of course it’s not that bad for me, but being German of course some people assume I don’t hate the Nazis as much as others, or even as far as thinking that they are “my people.” No. Fuck the Nazis. They are not humans. It’s bad for muslim people after 9/11 because of all the hate they got immediately after the attacks. If you are experiencing this, it is not okay. If you are participating in these activities, rethink your life.

yo actually fuck socketio

new kid in our class today, gonna introduce him to everyone

wasteof is one of the best sm sites. i mean seriously, the community is so nice and wholesome and helpful, i just love it. hope it stays that way.

then gave it a job

and we added some shades

and we also put a party hat on it

and we’re dragging it around

bro my assistant principal of the school i go to pulled me aside today and gave me a lecture about how to use a school chromebook properly (because i obviously don’t know how to do that) all because i searched up “joker face png” this morning (which is a blocked search fsr) and it popped up on her screen 💀

my parents are away now…

you know what that means


trolling simps and creeps on omegle is so fun

my parents are going away on vacation to montauk for 5 days tomorrow

you know what that means

hello, i’m back

anyone wanna play minceraft?