
i write code and build electronics badly

yay funny about me post for adhd man

My name is Nolan


Me am like to code (https://github.com/3xiondev/)

Electronics hobbyist

Arteest (deviantart.com/3xionDeviant/)

Graffic design or whatever it’s called

Men and women are both as attractive as each other, at least to me

For any questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to [email protected]. No, I’m not joking, this is my real email.

Website: https://3xiondev.vercel.app/ (i’m broke okay i can’t afford 3xion.dev)

Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/3xiondev/ (Moved from https://scratch.mit.edu/users/---Necro---/)

Atheist but I won’t push it in your face if you don’t push religion in mine

I draw ridiculous chemicals sometimes so you’ll occasionally see me on r/cursedchemistry, but you need to have taken a chemistry course to understand the full cursedness of the images

Aug 31, 2023, 4:16 AM
1 0 4

veery interesting to see what wasteof’s political stances are

Happy 25th birthday, Google!

my phone committed die at the waterpark this weekend =(

10 PM sounds like a great time to do an assignment that’s due at 11:59 PM

dont do me like that man

Hi people wheres ur Mum

upgrading my friend’s flipper’s firmware rn

adding the bluetooth DOS app (i’m not liable for anything that happens because of this)

Wifi attacker (also not liable)

RFID brute force (let’s just be safe and assume i’m not liable for anything listed here)

many, many games

U2F Fuzzer

Wifi Marauder (access point attacks)

and a bunch more

i saw a picture of one online and now i really want to build a pwnagotchi in wristwatch form

don’t you just love it when you join a social media site while it’s still growing and you can grab yourself a super basic username like @human that you would otherwise never be able to get?

i’m scared to get close

but i hate being alone

i long for that feeling

to not feel at all

the higher i get

the lower i sink

i can’t drown my demons, they know how to swim

i’m oblivious to the world, to reality

whose thoughts are spiked with lethality

they said it couldn’t be done

but it seems i have won

they didn’t know what was coming

i’m amazed by the amount of people who don’t know the correct way to format a link

you better follow @tanay_mishra (shameless friend promotion)

my friends kept TKing me in Rainbow Six Siege and i got a little annoyed and may have stayed on…six hours past my screen time limit. so now i cant play for week.