
𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 village idiot

AI Writes My Daily Posts: Day 2/7

Day 2: Bing

Prompt: "Write me a controversial hot take for a wasteof.money post"

Response: wasteof.money is just a rip-off of twitter with less features and more bugs. the only reason people use it is because they think it’s cool to be part of a niche community that nobody cares about. wasteof.money should change its name to wasteof.time.

For the next week, I'll be having an AI write my daily posts. I'm going to give a different chatbot a different prompt every day (e.g. “write a relatable post”, “write a funny post”, etc.) and see how it goes!

Day 1: ChatGPT

Prompt: “Write a relatable wasteof.money post”

Response: Hey there, #BudgetBusters! 💸 Have you ever bought a fancy avocado slicer only to end up with mashed avocados every time? 🥑🔪 Well, that's the kind of "smashed" purchase I made last week! 🤦‍♀️💰 I was lured by the promise of perfectly sliced avocados for my toast game, but ended up with a messy kitchen and a broken slicer! 🙅‍♀️🚫 Lesson learned: stick to a trusty knife and save your hard-earned cash for more avocados instead of gimmicky gadgets! 🙌🥑 #WasteOfMoney #AvocadoFail #KitchenFails #GuacGoneWrong 🚫💸🥑

people are always swooning over ryan reynolds like he doesn’t look like a rich middle-aged suburban dad who lives in a cookie cutter mcmansion identical to every other house on the block and owns a peloton

YouTube Shorts channels with Subway Surfers gameplay on in the background on their way to post the shittiest “shower thoughts” known to man

anyone else get the bad kind of goosebumps from random materials like styrofoam and chalk i hate it

guys i did not watch the mario movie no spoilers

normally neil degrasse tyson seems super pretentious to me but i agreed with him when he said that straight-a students get good grades not because of good teachers, but in spite of bad ones

burritette >>>>>

the waitress with an accent watching me stare blankly back at her after my white ass fails to understand her question for the fourth time in a row

oop too late

you gonna finish that or… 👉👈

if i hit 150 followers in the next 10000000000000000000 years i will eat an entire 2003 toyota corolla in one giant gulp

150 followers ¾ of the way there!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!!!&8&8_93?4(9_

if I get to 200 followers by the end of May I'll do a voice reveal

breakign bad is the best show

among us shitting toothpaste

if i hit 150 followers in the next 10000000000000000000 years i will eat an entire 2003 toyota corolla in one giant gulp