
any/all || banana

Hi, I’m cheesewhisk3rs!

I joined in late 2023 but moved to this account. There’s not much you need to know about me, but here it is in a nice list:

  1. Any pronouns

  2. I like all animals (except dogs, they’re scary) but I especially like cats 🐈

  3. I mostly play Minecraft, and I enjoy reading, drawing and writing stories.

  4. I am French & British! Bilingual :)

  5. You can contact me at [email protected].

My current goals on this website are:

  1. Follow all users on wo.m

  2. Get to 100 followers (please?)

About my name:

  1. Pronounced “cheese whiskers”

  2. Written “cheesewhisk3rs” (the name has to always be lowercase).

Oh, and here’s my PCE account: https://www.pixelcatsend.com/profile&id=19448

I’ll add more stuff if I need.

Jun 23, 2024, 10:06 PM
5 0 20

I tried raw bees today, here’s my food review:

Taste: 8/10

Very tasty, a little spicy and crunchy. Overall quite delicious. Perfect with a side of salad.

Health benefits: 0/10

I had to get rushed to the hospital because even though the bees weren’t meant to be alive, one was and stung me in the throat. At least cooked bees aren’t a health hazard.

Overall: 7/10

The bees from a local hive chased me down and killed me but the taste of raw bees was worth it.

wasteof.money minecraft server experience day 1: I played in singleplayer while waiting for an answer from esben but forgot to check wo.m and waited too long (lol), so I only played like 10 minutes on the server.

Apart from that, pretty fun. Chopped down a few tree, killed animals and sailed off in a boat after leaving a sign to say I’d been there.

Thank you for the interesting math fact that I will never be using but is still cool.

100,000,001 is divisible by 17

I love this time of year, I can sleep with my window open

I am following @1984 people (1984 was the 1984th person I followed).

I think we all (including myself) need to remind ourselves sometimes that this is just a tiny website and its mostly just here for fun.

its really sad to see how divided and angry the community has become. I get it that people will argue sometimes, and arguments may get a bit out of hand, and that happens. I think many of us who have been involved in these dramas or “kerfuffles” are guilty of this, even I am to a degree. And that’s ok, that happens, and we might like each other less in the end, and that’s ok too, you don’t have to like everyone, that would be basically impossible.

The problem is when you don’t move on. The problem is when an entire group of users tries to villainize a user or multiple users. I don’t want to feel like this website is going to turn into opposing factions that could explode at any second.

Maybe an issue is important to you, maybe you feel that the other person is objectively wrong, but 9 times out of 10 there is no way you’re gonna be able to change the other person’s mind. and if an argument is going nowhere or is pretty clear that its about to turn into a fight, back out, and move on.

Losing an argument doesn’t feel great, but feeling like you have enemies is even worse, sometimes its ok to agree to disagree and end it there.

I think I have the highest following now? My 1,689th following was @/garfield.

Following every user probably won’t be possible, but I’ll try anyways!

Crazy how me and @cheesewhisk2rs (also me) have almost the same profile picture

I copyright words

Well I copyright Kiwi so you are going to have to pay up or change your name

i copyright ratios, and hereby invalidate this ratio


I copyright you, and therefore everything you have copyrighted as well 😎

Listen buddy

That's cool and all but I've copyrighted every possible alignment of all forms of matter, dark matter, and anti matter across time and the many dimensions we are unable to comprehend. As a mere mortal, I can indeed say that not only are the stars our birthright but everything is my legal birthright now, too. Bon appetit.

ok well while you goobers were off fighting over the little copyrights I got the really big one

I’ve copyrighted the fundamental property of mass


Expect cease and desist notices shortly

I will be copyrighting sound, all songs that use sound now need to pay me.

i will be copyrighting 4/4 time, all songs that use it now need to pay me. this will be a wasteof.money for the music industry. pay up

May 12, 2024, 2:31 AM
4 1 1

Who is following the most users?