
any/all || banana

Hi, I’m cheesewhisk3rs!

I joined in late 2023 but moved to this account. There’s not much you need to know about me, but here it is in a nice list:

  1. Any pronouns

  2. I like all animals (except dogs, they’re scary) but I especially like cats 🐈

  3. I mostly play Minecraft, and I enjoy reading, drawing and writing stories.

  4. I am French & British! Bilingual :)

  5. You can contact me at [email protected].

My current goals on this website are:

  1. Follow all users on wo.m

  2. Get to 100 followers (please?)

About my name:

  1. Pronounced “cheese whiskers”

  2. Written “cheesewhisk3rs” (the name has to always be lowercase).

Oh, and here’s my PCE account: https://www.pixelcatsend.com/profile&id=19448

I’ll add more stuff if I need.

Jun 23, 2024, 10:06 PM
5 0 20

we’re losing a crazy amount of rare usernames

people like @zr, @y, @63, @65 and more i forgot have changed their username

please help archiving the 1 and 2 chars (with web.archive.org). i’m doing the 2letters aa-dt currently, if someone could do all the 1chars that would help a lot

May 12, 2024, 10:59 AM
2 3 5

Was dertermenter’s top reposted post deleted?

I will be copyrighting sound, all songs that use sound now need to pay me.

i will be copyrighting 4/4 time, all songs that use it now need to pay me. this will be a wasteof.money for the music industry. pay up

Filler post 2, ignore and move on. Thanks :D

Filler post 1, ignore and move on

  1. https://wasteof.money/users/cheesewhisk3rs?page=99999999999 - Blank post page.

  2. https://wasteof.money/users/cheesewhisk3rs?page=0 - Weird thing happens to the page selector beneath the wasteof user yay space, otherwise normal.

  3. https://wasteof.money/users/cheesewhisk3rs?page=-0 - Same as ?page=0.

  4. https://wasteof.money/users/cheesewhisk3rs?page=-1 - Invalid page popup.

What are all the posts about raw bees about?

Dertermenter is banned?


don’t be transphobic

I was the first to follow @jeffalobob! :)

Also, that marks 900 following :D

Only 4,951 to go!

May 8, 2024, 4:14 PM
1 0 1

Am I the only one who says “two to the second power” instead of “two squared”?

I got a bunch of nerds to argue about math in my comments eheheh