
Teamwork for the win! You go first
5.4.23 || Things you don't know about me:

We should add profile colours outside of the range of human eyes just to be unique

7.24.23 || I'll do it: I'll stand up for what I believe in, even if others think it's wrong ... and even if they're not necessarily wrong for thinking that.

Don't insert a pink-red triangle to your Wii unless you want to be annihilated destroyed.

tfw all control over your life slips out of your grasp

7.30.23 || The trilogy's thrilling conclusion: In last night's dream, I upset an old friend. I forget how, but it was something Mario-related. I attempted to apologize to her, but apparently saying "I'm sorry" wasn't enough. Thinking on what to do, I cosplayed as Bowser and terrorized nearby families by shouting, rapping, and firing Nerf toys. My friend, not dressed as Mario but with a hip-hop crew, defeated me by playing music and tangling me in headphones. There's a lesson in here somewhere...

Opera is getting more and more popular every second and I really don’t like it

Jul 30, 2023, 3:23 PM
15 4 4
You can pretend to be asleep, but you can't pretend to be awake.

Hey there, everyone! Owen here, ready to share a little story that's guaranteed to make you laugh. 😄

So, picture this: I'm sitting in my math exam, trying to solve those mind-boggling equations, when suddenly, I feel a rumble in my stomach. Uh-oh, not a good sign! But being the daredevil that I am, I thought I could hold it in. Boy, was I wrong!

As the minutes passed, my stomach growled louder than a hungry bear. I was in deep trouble. Panic started to set in, and I could swear the invigilators were giving me suspicious glances. But little did they know the epic battle happening inside me.

I desperately tried to focus on the exam, but the pressure was unbearable. I couldn't hold it any longer. In a moment of sheer clumsiness, I dropped my pen. And guess what? That was the tipping point!

In a disastrous turn of events, my bodily functions decided to go full blast. It was like a scene out of a comedy movie, but definitely not one you'd want to be in. My trousers and pants were no match for the force of nature happening down there.

The chaos that followed was something straight out of a wild dream. Shit went flying, desks were covered, and the horrified screams echoed through the exam hall. I may have unintentionally turned it into a real-life Jackson Pollock masterpiece. Oops!

My bathroom mishap during the exam led to unexpected consequences. Lesson learned: always be prepared. Embrace the absurdity and create unforgettable moments together! Stay awesome, my friends! 🤣✌

I come here irregularly and rant about exams

I shall rant about exams more

I got bored so I drew the rivulet from rain world

imagine what mod support for rivals of aether would be like

Behold, “Suited Up”!


I know I just said this with “ONSET,” but this is now the best thing I’ve ever made. And I had so much help making it! Show the team and me some love!