
Teamwork for the win! You go first

First post from my new computer!!

why do so many Linux users put gnomes in their computer

gnome software is somewhat pretty good, it's just the desktop environment that's crap

Not in Rain World

Shelter is one of the most basic needs yet one of the hardest to acquire

pizza tower soundtrack still perfect

pizza tower soundtrack still perfect


Am I the only YouTuber on this entire website?

Just got Barbarian King

I genuinely used to own one of those PCs

How YouTubers call the EeePC:

  • EeePeeCee

  • eepy

Someday, God willing. I will attend my child’s wedding, deny whatever they serve, and request chicken nuggets and noodles. If, however, my request of chicken nuggets and noodles is not met, I will start screaming and take them out of my will..

..until i have my chickie nuggies and noodles.

Behold, “ONSET”


This is the best thing I’ve done in a long time. Be a friend and show some support <3

On the contrary, I am never in a state where I no longer want to eat anything, but I do not like eating anything.

Just wanted to make a few things clear from my food hot takes:

  • I’m not an unfit fattie who eats food every day. I just like sharing my opinions on unhealthy food.

  • I am not a picky eater. The only common foods I don’t like is olives, already cooked cold ham slices and eggplants.

I know probably no one asked for this, but I’m paranoid that people think I’m a young Nikocado.

the underachiever

5.21.23 || If I were to call someone "the u-word," would that be considered offensive? I don&apos;t actually mean calling them any words that start with the letter U, I mean literally calling them "the u-word," verbatim. This question is all the more puzzling since I don&apos;t even know what the "u-word" could possibly mean in the first place. /hj


Ethan’s friend is offering you all a couch for free, however he cannot ship it nor will he offer anything more than a £1 for it. SERIOUS OFFERS ONLY!

If you’re confused, you can find out what happened during the latest TNC Live on the official TNC YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/0M2FiI0l9T8

May 21, 2023, 10:54 PM
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