
Harder, better, faster, stronger

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

People with visual impairments rolling up to tell Musk that this is another shit and unnecessary change:

Jul 27, 2023, 9:56 PM
21 2 18

this incident is horrible, you’re a good forumer yet the Scratch Team have still been treating you like shit. Such a shame this is the moderation levels Scratch is now at.

My first account, @obesityoftheold, got blocked for an “inappropriate username” (it’s because obesity is a problem amongst old people in the Netherlands) and now my 2nd account, PhysicsFanaticMan, got blocked for the following:

Your Scratch account has been blocked for continuing to break our Community Guidelines.

When I know I never broke any guidelines and they didn’t provide me with any comments that broke the guidelines?

After all my hard work on the forums with my posts the last week, this is how the Scratch Team treats me.

I don’t understand why people are complaining about a women’s world cup player being trans

It’s still a biological female, playing against other biological females, which is completley fair? Why does gender matter? I don’t think trans females should compete in female sports due to the physical advantages - it’s not fair on biological females. But there’s no difference here?

Also, imagine if this was a biological man coming out as trans. Would we start persuading them to go be a female footballer? No, since we know that’s unfair on females.

This whole incident just shows in sports that instead of having some acceptance of trans people in sports, we whine and complain saying they’re in the wrong category.

when did piers morgan become so based

that maths incident seems really tough and horrid to go through. I have so much sympathy for you Owen…

Can we all pay our respects to Owen after these 2 tragic incidents?

Hey, everyone. Owen here, and I want to share something that happened to me recently. It's not an easy story to tell, but I believe in being honest and open with all of you.

The other day, I had a really scary experience. I got hit by a tram while crossing the street. It was a moment of shock and fear, and I'm grateful that I came out of it with minor injuries. It's a reminder of how unpredictable life can be and how precious every moment truly is.

And as if that wasn't enough, life decided to throw in another curveball. During a crucial math exam, I had an unfortunate accident and ended up in an embarrassing situation. I can't help but laugh about it now, but in that moment, it felt like the world was against me.

Both of these incidents were tough to deal with, and they left me feeling shaken and vulnerable. But through it all, I'm learning to find strength in vulnerability. It's okay to have moments of struggle and embarrassment; it's all part of being human.

I wanted to share these experiences with you all because I believe in the power of connection and empathy. Life isn't always rainbows and sunshine, and sometimes it can be tough to navigate. But we're all in this together, and we can lean on each other for support and understanding.

So, my friends, let's cherish every moment and find courage in our vulnerabilities. Life may have its ups and downs, but we'll face it head-on with resilience and a smile. Thank you for being here and for your support. ❤️🌟

Welcome to wasteof!

Yeah that’s kinda what it’s like a lot…

i’ve just joined this site as it is made by a scratch forumer and there seems to be a war between 2 users?

Is this site actually healthy?

Maths exam today 🙄

Yesterday I had explosive diarrhea so I probably should be more prepared but I’m going to wing it lmao

Gone but not forgotten.

Can we all get an F in the chat for Derter Menter?

F in the chat for @scolder guys!

I just got myself killed in Rain World

Basically I was sitting down playing Gourmand and I, being a dumbass, didn't go to the shelter first, thinking I could skip it. However, when I got in the karma gate I realised I had deceived myself. My controller started vibrating insanely loudly after the first 10 minutes and I got really scared the rain would drown me.

The previous day I had failed the cycle 43 times so I probably should have been more prepared but I wasn't. After about 45 minutes I couldn't even see the screen any more. I had to focus on not accidentally killing myself - it felt like if I even wasted a second, the time would run out and it would come gushing down. It was horrible.

Eventually I literally couldn't do it more. While desperately clasping the sides of the grips for support I accidentally dropped my controller. Crap. Dangerously, I leaned over to pick it up and that's when it happened. Rain started pouring out of the clouds.

It came with such force that it BROKE THROUGH the roof and ceiling and sprayed all over the ground around me, drenching the 3 scavengers behind me like some sort of rain shotgun. Of course by now the entire controller was shaking but I was just wimpering. Flood water started coming up, covering the platforms with water as well as the rain already there. I was on one of the indoor rooms, so the water silhouettes of the creatures covered in it were stained on the wall.

I lost all my progress. My future is ruined.

Jul 20, 2023, 8:24 PM
9 1 0


It frustrates me so much that people think that female footballers should get the same pay as men.

Why are we turning a popularity issue into an equaliy issue?

No, The women’s world cup winners don’t deserve the same prize money as men world cup winners. Why should they? Men’s world cup 2018 generated $5,279,000,000 more than the 2019 women’s world cup and that number will probably increase depending that the 2022 mens world cup generated 7.5 billion.

But yeah, gender equality!!!!!

Innocent until proven guilty lads

breaking news: robot charged with battery

Can we please take a moment to celebrate that the best wasteof post of all time turns 1 month old today?

I’m thankful being born in a developed country. I hope everyone in underdeveloped nations are getting the help they need and I hope their country can become a newly emerging economy soon.

Hot take: buffalo wings are complete trash (BBQ better in every format) and blue cheese is an abomination. Combining them is rank

Top 3 foods of all time:

  1. Buffalo wings with blue cheese

  2. Sushi

  3. Any type of Italian food (except if it has pesto)

Jul 13, 2023, 3:45 PM
8 3 3