The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted
Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on
Lads, I dislike Elon just as much as the next wasteof user, but this isn’t true.
People are just misinterpreting his comment. He just said that there may be a new tier of Twitter preminum that costs less.
Source: (this is the literal interview he did which people are saying he said this) Yes, the first quote on 34:40 seems to support @imadeanaccount’s claim, but if you go on (at about 35:30) he then seems to clarify he’s referring to a new, lower priced subscription.
Here is the quote:
… so pioritising posts written by by X premium subscribers, we’re actually gonna come out with a lower tier pricing so y’know, we’re wanting it to just be a small amount of money, that this is the (stumbles) it’s a longer discussion but in my view this is the only defense against vast armies of bots.
The reasoning that this proposed new lower tier of premium may happen is to combat bots, which was also mentioned in the original quote that people are alarmed over (people saying this quote is saying about putting twitter behind a paywall)
"The single most important reason that we are moving to having a small monthly payment for the use of the X system, is it is the only way I could think of to combat vast armies of bots,"
The reasonings correlating on both the quotes makes me believe he was originally talking about a lower, cheaper tier all along, and that he was just unclear.
Hot take: Adverts that advocate for obesity is fine in any way should be banned immediately.
There are no good causes from being obese.
sorry if i’ve annoyed/upset anybody online recently. I will be better in the future to be less problematic/argumentative
I’ve only just realised that Sherlock Holmes is fictional and was never real.
Someone unfollowed me. RIP
Thanks lads for 50 followers! Been a rocky ride the last few days but I really appreciate this site and all the awesome people on it!
Thanks lads for 50 followers! Been a rocky ride the last few days but I really appreciate this site and all the awesome people on it!
It’s so annoying when people think you’re wrong in an argument, when you know you’re right.
I feel like woke people intentionally misinterpret your argument to be offended or put you in a bad light, it’s so annoying
Hot take: misspelling words on purpose is unfunny and cringe
Hot take: Whilst the Opera GX account is still unfunny, it’s now not the most unfunny company account.
That belongs to specsavers. Their posts are unfunny, cringe and the admin NEEDS TO RETIRE
Food hot take #13: Sunflower spread is better than butter on bread products. It’s less sickly and has such a smooth texture. Butter is overrated on bread.
hey yo! it's ya boi owen here with a little story from back in the day! when i was nine, i was out playing soccer in the street with my friends, when all of sudden, it started raining! it was pretty wild, right?
cue the panic mode, right? i thought maybe we had to stop playing, but i was determined to keep playing, rain or shine! so, i kept going, and i had the best time!
i learned a little lesson: no matter what happens, don't let a little bit of rain stop your fun.