
Harder, better, faster, stronger

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

A round of applause for @zlf everyone as he was right!

The reply just said “You were banned for getting involved in drama, hold your horses it’s only temporary and don’t make any new accounts in the meantime”

No actual response regarding my comments that got me banned and why they broke the guidelines. Nothing on why me apoligising to someone got me an alert. Nothing about them censoring my account, @bringblueback, which had a constructive project on why blue should be brought back as an option to the site.

around 6000 posts on the forums that have helped many and have tonnes of effort, and this is the effort the Scratch Team replies to me with. It’s disgraceful.

Just sent my vigorous and stern contact us essay to the Scratch Team to question over my unfair bans

They will do one of the following:

  1. Give a generic reason to why I was banned (what the alerts say)

  2. Agree with me that they’ve made mistakes and that they will unban me early (extremely unlikely)

  3. Tell me that my contact is message was too insulting (it wasn’t) and ban me permanently.

  4. Not answer

What do you think they will do?

wasteof: 44

Scratch: 948

Twitter: 27

YouTube: 402

Instagram: 95

And a few others I don’t really use/site followers don’t mean anything

Your integrity is inspiring and that’s why I have so much respect for you. Keep going champ with trying to improve yourself.

I’m happy you had fun on your camp getaway - we missed your great posts on wasteof!

I just went to the greatest camp I’ve ever been to

Please read all of this as it’s important

On Monday I drove to Liberty University with my friend @/grunklebillsback to go to Student Life Camp (https://studentlife.lifeway.com) with our church and about 1000 other kids. Let me tell you, this camp was unbelievable. There truly is no way to get across how good it was if you weren’t there.

God did incredible things, including bringing 6 kids from my youth group to him. (Quick sidenote: there were about 1100 people there, and our youth group had 45 people there. Extrapolating this leads to about 145 people who were brought to Christ this week!!) He was truly at work this week. I truly think, if any of you were there, you would instantly be convinced that God exists. The events of last week are impossible to refute if you actually witnessed them.

This was a once in a lifetime experience. Every single leader, including those who had been to hundreds of camps before, said this was special.

And this is not even getting into the lore (ask me about Elevator Man and the 9th floor sometime!)

Last week was the pinnacle of my life so far.

But God really convicted me of something. You guys were put on my heart very strongly.

So I have to admit: I have wronged you.

  • I have not walked in love towards you.

  • I have not been gracious and kind, especially in my speech.

  • I have put my own interests above yours.

  • I have been prideful, mean, angry, hateful, and negative.

  • I have not been Christlike in any way, shape, or form.

So, I deeply apologize for this. Please forgive me. I have done wrong to you.

It is only through the power of Christ that I can overcome these sins. I know most of you aren’t Christians, and I’ve probably put a bad taste for Christians, but I’ve acted wrongly towards you and others. Please forgive me.

Hot take: The Opera GX twitter account is actually the cringiest and unfunny account to ever exist

Jul 10, 2023, 5:56 PM
7 2 9

Yeah Pepsi is a great replacement instead of vapes, and I hit the Pepsi for energy before I hit the griddy!

Why hit the vape when you can hit the griddy - suggested by @dertermenter

Just sent my vigorous and stern contact us essay to the Scratch Team to question over my unfair bans

They will do one of the following:

  1. Give a generic reason to why I was banned (what the alerts say)

  2. Agree with me that they’ve made mistakes and that they will unban me early (extremely unlikely)

  3. Tell me that my contact is message was too insulting (it wasn’t) and ban me permanently.

  4. Not answer

What do you think they will do?

first post after downtime

banned again from Scratch, this time for a week.

The way the Scratch Team have treated me is disgraceful. Both bans are bullshit.

Jul 6, 2023, 6:17 PM
7 0 8

Hot take: the scratch team moderation has got way worse in the past year, I’ve received way more unfair/harsh alerts (which are also too vague) and I’ve also seen new Scratch Team members making way more mistakes than they should be, despite them getting training. Does the Scratch Team need to implement more training for moderators?

I understand that activity is high, but it is lower than in prime covid where moderation seemed a lot better, it was near perfect imo

Jul 3, 2023, 6:58 PM
6 0 1

when you get banned from Scratch for the dumbest reason of all time:

This is my favourite riddle due to how challenging it is:

If you were a blind person, how would you tell someone that you were hungry?

I would personally do a motion of me eating, seems the best and clearest method.

-1 sports are great for you physically and mentally and watching them is thrilling/entertaining for a lot of sports (football especially)

and money shapes a lot on how good your life is, we all want it

Things people like way too much:

  • Sugar and carbs

  • Money

  • Sex (also porn)

  • Sleep

  • Celebrities

  • Watching sports

What else?

Jul 1, 2023, 7:20 PM
8 2 8
Jul 1, 2023, 7:28 PM
3 0 13

You ever see a decision and think, “yeah, that’s the worst one they can do” and then they do one even worse?

Sure sure temporary blah blah blah BUT THIS RUINS THE ENTIRE SOCIAL MEDIA FOR A BIT

HOW has a social media become pay 2 win?