
Chillin | contact info on beta

A bagel, an egg, and a sausage walk into a bar

The bagel says, “Me and my friends will each have a beer”

The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast”

Guys what’s your bet on the Elon vs Zuck fight


Ok actually what is a ratio what does it mean I am so confused at this website because I can't scroll for 5 minutes without a ratio

This guy copied me 😡


Me and my friends were laughing about this on a field trip last year

Jul 9, 2023, 7:43 PM
4 0 0


Jul 4, 2023, 7:57 AM
3 0 0

Ikr, all I did was commit over 65 unique war crimes on over 74 internationally recognized territories

when you get banned from Scratch for the dumbest reason of all time:

Hehe I posted this, got 6 likes, and no one noticed that I just made that up. It’s not actually international sprinkles day.

Happy International Sprinkle Day!!!

Jul 1, 2023, 9:06 PM
7 1 1

Happy International Sprinkle Day!!!

The Cripsy M&M’s Are Soooo Good

A head’s up for the people jumping on the TEMU trend. TEMU comes from China and the Chinese version has proven malware that can access your files, contact, notifications and more.

Guys I am now the proud owner of @yourmom

Me and my friend found a PC on Aliexpress for $150 that had a 2080 in it.

That’s pretty sick, thank you Jack Ma

wasteof purple?

Aliexpress is poggers

so like a few months ago i lost the pen for my drawing tablet, so i ordered a new one a couple weeks ago on aliexpress, im really surprised it got here so quick :))

So true, I know the sound of my family's footsteps coming up our creaky stairs

It's funny how my parents have to ask who is who with my siblings' voices but I know who my sister is by the way she brushes her teeth

lol, who made this api

A Box

Q: imagin that your in a box, how do you get out?

A: stop imaging