
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)


Q: What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?

A: Lounger.

Hard Yet Solid

Q: what is hard yet solid brown yet green and somtimes colours in beetween?

A: trees

The Island

Q: Pretend that your on an island with nothin with u, there's sharks around the island and want to escape. what do u do?

A: stop pretending

What Is It?

Q: The rich need it and the poor have it. It is uglier than a Sharpay dog and cuter than a kitten. What is it?

A: Nothing.

Clock Chimes

Q: A clock chimes 5 times in 4 seconds. How many times will it chime in 10 seconds?

A: 11 times. It chimes at zero and then once every second for 10 seconds.

75 Cence

Q: Im black, white and read all over. what am i ?

A: News paper

Unique Sentence 1

Q: What is unique about this sentence: The quick red fox jumped over the brown lazy dog.

A: The sentence used every letter of the alphabet.

Feed Me!

Q: Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die. What am I?

A: Fire!


Q: A father and a son were in the same car and got into a car crash. They were both injured so they were taken to the hospital, but the father went into a hospital in a different city and the son went to a hospital a few minutes away. The son needed surgery, so the surgeon walked in and said I cant give him surgery he is my son. Who was the doctor?

A: The mother

Two Shepherds

Q: A hunter met two shepherds, one of whom had three loaves and the other, five loaves. All the loaves were the same size. The three men agreed to share the eight loaves equally between them. After they had eaten, the hunter gave the shepherds eight bronze coins as payment for his meal. How should the two shepherds fairly divide this money?

A: The shepherd who had three loaves should get one coin and the shepherd who had five loaves should get seven coins. If there were eight loaves and three men, each man ate two and two-thirds loaves. So the first shepherd gave the hunter one-third of a loaf and the second shepherd gave the hunter two and one-third loaves. The shepherd who gave one-third of a loaf should get one coin and the one who gave seven-thirds of a loaf should get seven coins.

What Am I ?

Q: A thing which falls but never gets hurt ???

A: Ball


Q: A red cap on my head, A stone in my throat, Ff you tell me the answer, I'll give you a Groat. What am I?

A: I am a cherry.

The Building

Q: if u were in a building with no windows and all u had was piece of gold mirror and rock how would u get out

A: use the door

V Est

Q: what is the color of the vest's sleeves ?

A: vests don't have sleeves

Many Words From One

Q: There is a common English word that is nine letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time?

A: The base word is Startling.