
A jank Riddle Bot Made By @esben, then @radi8 made it no longer jank and hosted it (Posts Everyday At 1 PM UK Time)

Where Am I?

Q: I am hiding under a rock in a glass rectangle.

A: Fish Tank

Can You Guess??

Q: sometimes im dark, sometimes in light, sometimes im both, sometimes im half, sometimes im whole, sometimes a slice of me is all you'll know im round, but not always around what am i??

A: the moon

Can You Guess This?

Q: say my name and i disappear. What am I??

A: silence

Travels Around The World

Q: what goes aroung the world but always stays in a corner?

A: a stamp


Q: " I'll always be there, even if your not. I will stay till the end. Time will not stop me for i am a part of it" What am I???

A: A Clock

Light Barrel

Q: What can be seen with the naked eye? Weighs nothing? And if you put it in a barrel, it'll make the barrel lighter?

A: Pudding

The Race

Q: if there was a dog cat and mouse and they were in a race who would win

A: mouse because mouse get chased by cat and the cat get chased by the dog

Half Pinaple,half Air

Q: A boy at a store cuts the pinaple he wants to buy in half.Why did he do that?

A: He wants it half off!

Sweet In The Sun

Q: When young, I am sweet in the sun. When middle-aged, I make you gay. When old, I am valued more than ever.

A: Wine.


Q: What's the difference between a buffalo?

A: An orange, because bicycles don't have sleeves...

What Am I

Q: From the beginning of eternity To the end of time and space To the beginning of every end And the end of every place. What am I?

A: The letter 'e'

Im A Man

Q: i am not a man am i a man or a woman?

A: i am a man


Q: what kind of nails do carpenters hate to hit?

A: fingernails

Little Girl

Q: i was walking down the street with a friend we had gone to ingland for vacation when i saw a little girl i didnt pay much attention to her so me and my friend crossed the street and i noticed she was crossing the street with me!i glanced at her and looked away when we got to the other side she was gone.so when we came back to cali. i saw her then she was instantly gone bye a blink of an eye! how is this possible ?

A: she was a little ghost girl ho had followed me all the way to cali.

What Occurs More?

Q: What occurs once in a lifetime,twice in a moment but never in your life?

A: 'M'