
error carried forward

hello world!

that feeling when i shower after the gym but take too long so i have to run to the train and end up being sweaty again 😐👍

starting to think Whistle by flo rida isn’t about whistles

wow today’s the day mentioned in the music video for maroon 5 sugar

love how chatgpt was just a random experiment/demo with making a user friendly interface for openai’s gpt models

Dec 5, 2023, 9:15 PM
24 0 1


(original photo taken by jeffalo; this edit of it has simply been uploaded here for his convenience and by his request)

Dec 3, 2023, 8:58 PM
33 2 5

oh how much i yearn for a compact camera that takes high resolution pictures and isn’t $2000

i just want a camera i can always have with me. phones dont cut it. i want a physical shutter button. i want the sounds. i want the feelings.

Dec 3, 2023, 7:08 PM
18 0 3

i love how the youtube upload of maroon 5 payphone prevents you from enjoying the music by including gunshots over the whole thing

why is there a cat facts bot AND a dog facts bot. when will there be a cat and dog fact bot?

and even if i wanted to i (in british accent) can't stop

democratic people’s republic!! wow that sounds awesome that must be the good korea!!! 😃

we’re so terrified of our own thoughts that we drown them out whenever we can.

music or videos or podcasts or tv or social media or other content.

like when was the last time you didn’t have any external stimulation of any kind. like just lost in your own thoughts? probably in the shower, and then you’re back to stimulation 24/7. surely thats a problem???

just a thought

Nov 28, 2023, 6:11 PM
27 6 17

why are you so talented this isnt fair

this is almost like saying gasoline smells bad. you'd be technically correct, but you're still wrong.

rain smells bad :(

la la la la la let's live in the moment