
Avid daydreamer, dragon friend, sartoriphile, and unsustainable entity

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  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

I tried to research the language. While I haven't found a lexicon (yet), I discovered a cool new way to encode hexadecimal text. I know what I'm going to do this afternoon!

I currently have my sights set on a new language. It uses Latin script, but it still interests me because it belongs to a (fictional) divine entity that I've been trying to blend with an existing Colubrine Sector thread.

I currently have my sights set on a new language. It uses Latin script, but it still interests me because it belongs to a (fictional) divine entity that I've been trying to blend with an existing Colubrine Sector thread.

Iteration Tethys, 5.17.B:
-{{ It's alive! Or I'm fairly confident it would be, if it
weren't for Polo's suppression fields. Its system readout
just keeps repeating the word 'glass'. }}-

Reconstructed Drone, 5.17.B:
-{{ - kzzkktzz - fix - kzzkktzz - of the - kzzkktzz - glass
glass glass glass glass glass }}-

Pssst . . . I optimized your starship's wiring while you weren't looking.

(context available on request)

"So let me get this straight," [CHARACTER #1] said, with more fear than aggression. "Your plan is to disguise yourself as a glitzy dragon, turn yourself in to the very people we are trying to stop, hijack their technology, and work wonders?"

"Close enough," [CHARACTER #2] said.

- The Saga of [CHARACTER #2], 2024.1.3.C

I just got the idea to depict myself as a hydra. A dragon with one main head that it has full control over, and then a bunch of tiny heads that respond to its intrusive thoughts and whisper its internal monologues. Maybe I'll draw that sometime today.

This morning, I wrote this in my journal as a mental “waypoint”:


Sorty for the wasted effort.

Won the game, made my name
Fifteen minutes' worth of fame
Then it came, all the pain
Is it over? What a shame...

Too tough, too rough, on my rotator cuff 
Low weight, rehab, I've had enough...

Take me back to my dreams
Before the sun set on me 
When the crowd went wild!
Now they call my name
All my pride has turned to shame!

(They can't see me in this state...)

One slip, too late,
Three strikes, for me
I've always been the one you could count on
So who will take my place, now I'm gone...

CONTEXT: I've been comparing the meter of One Slip Too Late to one of my recent writings, A Poem of Marzinory. They aren't that similar, but they relate around some parts.

While taking my bath, I visualized some sort of digital interface for analyzing the information that goes in and out of Colubrine Sector. Threads, scenarios, characters, story axioms, writings, qualia . . . it would take the processing power of an iterator to uncover all that data & the storage capacity of the pearls in one's chamber to store it.

Is it just me, or was 2016 a big year for open-world games? I say that because I vaguely remember hearing that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released in 2016, and I'm currently playing another open-world game also released in 2016, according to copyright labels.

And if you're wondering which game I'm playing, I'll give you one hint: 16.

I vaguely remember hearing a story about two politicians who had countless differences of opinion, yet liked to socialize and partake in activities together outside of their political careers. When one of them was asked how they were able to have such lively friendships in spite of their disagreements, they said “if you don't know how to separate people from opinions, you don't deserve to be a politician”.

TL;DR: it's important to be able to see people as more than the disagreements you have with them.

I think we all (including myself) need to remind ourselves sometimes that this is just a tiny website and its mostly just here for fun.

its really sad to see how divided and angry the community has become. I get it that people will argue sometimes, and arguments may get a bit out of hand, and that happens. I think many of us who have been involved in these dramas or “kerfuffles” are guilty of this, even I am to a degree. And that’s ok, that happens, and we might like each other less in the end, and that’s ok too, you don’t have to like everyone, that would be basically impossible.

The problem is when you don’t move on. The problem is when an entire group of users tries to villainize a user or multiple users. I don’t want to feel like this website is going to turn into opposing factions that could explode at any second.

Maybe an issue is important to you, maybe you feel that the other person is objectively wrong, but 9 times out of 10 there is no way you’re gonna be able to change the other person’s mind. and if an argument is going nowhere or is pretty clear that its about to turn into a fight, back out, and move on.

Losing an argument doesn’t feel great, but feeling like you have enemies is even worse, sometimes its ok to agree to disagree and end it there.

CREATED AT 26843.129

I'm getting fed up with the way the creatures that live here interact with me.
At this point, I'd rather they just not interact with me at all. Every now and
then, one of them comes up to me and asks me if they can do anything for me.
I naturally tell them that I'd like them to let me go. Every time, they tell
me that they can't do that.

They've been persistently asking me questions like these more times than I can
remember. From now on, I'm going to tell them that they can't do anything for
me. Otherwise, they'd be wasting my time. Not like I have any time for them to waste.

Why do they do this to me? I'm sure that they would eventually realize that I'm
not going to ask for anything else. Are they just trying to look polite to
me? Well, I'm not fooled. And whatever reason they have for keeping me here, I don't
like it.

- But There’s Exceptionally Little Peace Inside This Place, 2024.2.24.A

They pondered the sensations that the cloud had shown them for quite some time. Little did they know that the rumbling, the trembling and the feelings of distress coming from inside the cloud were only the tip of the iceberg . . .

- The Pigeonhole Project, 2024.1.19.D

ENTRY F - Before The Frost Settles

I had a dream that I discovered that my wasteof feed was overflowing with new posts from Mef, Nihilev and even Fem, who I'm not following. I scrolled to the bottom of the feed, took a closer look at a post from Fem, and saw . . . an art piece!

It was interesting. It depicted a human and a gray dragon walking through a three-way fork on a trail in an autumn forest. On the far right side, a creature with coloration similar to that of a Caramel Lizard was seen stalking them. Overlayed on the image were lines of text, presumably speech from the dragon. The bottommost part read roughly "Turn around. Turn around. °45. East!". It was subconsciously implied that the dragon's pleading had something to do with the creature. Strange . . .

I got the idea to broadcast some of my older writings on RW-570. While reading them, I came across this line that seemed so . . . WRONG . . . for the context of the writing that I laughed at it, until I read the next line.

The voice had said all that it needed to say. All four of them gasped. [CHARACTER] seemed to be trying to remember something. He said, “Saaayyy . . . when you told me about [LOCATION], you said something about a . . . biography writing area? I can’t remember what it was, but it rung a bell in this case.”