
Co-creator of the Mineral Fish fandom, Rain World and No Man's Sky enthusiast, and avid daydreamer

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17
(14:11:50) ChatBot: Orb_Fish logs into the Chat.
(14:12:07) Orb_Fish: FACT: I hope to arrange another wasteof
whiteboard meeting in the future
(14:12:18) Orb_Fish: or at least another wasteof/chat meeting
<< /* My Weekly Names calendar is actually currently being hosted on
the Internet, but I haven't shared it yet. To give you an idea of
what goes on in the Weekly Names calendar, here's an excerpt:
  {name: "Dragon Week", start: 15.10, end: 21.10},
  {name: "Photography Week", start: 22.10, end: 28.10},
  {name: "Grand Comedy Week", start: 29.10, end: 4.11},
  {name: "Phone Number Pneumonic Week", start: 5.11, end: 11.11},
  {name: "Classical Music Week", start: 12.11, end: 18.11},
  {name: "Identity Theft Week", start: 26.11, end: 2.12},
  {name: "Jinshana Week", start: 3.12, end: 9.12},
  {name: "Landon's Holiday Vacation Week", start: 24.12, end: 30.12}
Dec 6, 2023, 12:09 PM
1 0 4
<< /* The first test of my new dream sectoring system is in - and it
has thrown the system for a loop! I can only remember one element of
the dream, and that dream contains combined elements from the Emulated,
Existential, Colbrine and possibly Indelible sectors.
⭐️🟥 Yiga Clan encounters - dragon edition
<< /* I've made some potential improvements to my dream logging
system. I won't be putting them to work yet, but I have ideas.
Dream Log System: v2.00, Release Candidate #1
Sector Sourcing Update

This update plans to upgrade the binary recognition system to a
system that identifies dreams as potentially belonging to a
"sector" of the user's memories. This sector classification system
may be too time-consuming to be added as the dream log is written,
and is thus meant to be manually recorded after the initial
transcription of the dream log.

* EPIDERMAL SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to Scratch.
* DIGITAL SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to the TBGs.
* CARTESIAN SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to Minecraft or its media.
* MONETARY SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to wasteof.money.
* CONDITIONAL SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to Not Always Right.
* INDELIBLE SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to Craiyon or content
  generated using it.
* EXISTENTIAL SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to IRL events.
* MELLIFLUOUS SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to GT-180.
* EMULATED SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to video games.
* COLBRINE SECTOR: Dreams pertaining to other mental processes.
* MISCELLANEOUS SECTOR: Dreams with known connections to activity
  not covered by other sectors.

Also coming with this update is an improved visualization format,
showing the logs with Unicode-integrated graphics rather than raw
JSON, to improve the user experience.
<< /* FACT: in Firefox, you
can temporarily change your
useragent from the Responsive
Design testing mode.

<< /* If you're wondering why
I'm typing like this, I'm using
said Responsive Design mode with
an iPhone 13 mini profile to
test wasteof's responsive design.

<< /* In my opinion, some
improvements could be made, such
as, in response to a narrower
viewport, reducing the font size
in posts and moving some of the
buttons on the navbar into a
collapsible menu.
<< /* Another vivid dream struck today. Here's what I managed to
recover from it:
  timestamp: 3.12
  elements: [
    {e: "A new, very long \"Great Leviathan\" dragon skeleton",
    dream: 1, recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "Shield surfing", dream: 1, recognition: .recognized}
    {e: "G**** **** spectators", dream: 1, recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "Something involving a river and Lord of the Rings",
    dream: 1, recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "Dusk raid in MCL with the First of Stone", dream: 2,
    recognition: .recognized}
    {e: "Visiting the Empire State Building", dream: 3,
    recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "Riding the elevator's exterior", dream: 3,
    recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "Watching Taskmaster", dream: 3, recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "\"Show Alex the aprimity of this cat.\"", dream: 3,
    recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "Taking a bath", dream: 3, recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "A giant black pill", dream: 3, recognition: .recallable}
    {e: "A dragon-themed elevator", dream: 3, recognition: .norecog}
    {e: "The Very Tight-Fitting Light Floral Dress being used as
    a bag", dream: 3, recognition: .recognized}
<< /* Solitaire / -gge / copperfish, would you mind if I stopped 
censoring the minor TLoZ:TotK spoilers in my posts?
Dec 3, 2023, 12:09 PM
3 0 0
<< /* Although I said that I'd only be using this terminal format for
the duration of Identity Theft Week, I really, really like it and
really, really want to keep using it.

<< /* I was also going to post some Shellfish snippets here, but I
decided against it.
<< /* When I get a really big dream, I try to keep myself awake to avoid
forgetting it. Regardless of when I do it, some dreams are just worth
remembering - such as this one:
  "Exploring the Gerudo Desert",
  "The MCL horizon compass",
  "A statue of the Fake Dragon",
  "A massive sinkhole with a yellow-black serpent swimming around it",
  "Hazel as a Molduga"
<< /* Surprisingly, this is not the first time that TLoZ:ToTK and MCL
have crossed over in my dreams.
<< /* I have gained the urge to replicate a banner from a very old
cartoon channel. I recall having attempted to recreate it from memory
a while ago, but that replication does not appear to be anywhere in
my workspace.

Updated response from DREAMLOG.MIH:
  timestamp: 30.11
  elements: [
    {e: "Lost Legend leaks", dream: nil, recognition: .norecog}
<< /* Honestly, I don’t think that the link itself is being filtered.
If they wanted to stop people from using Assets as an image host,
they could just remove it from the image host list. I think that it's
picking up on a false positive.

Good news: The forums is back

Bad news: assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image is possibly in the filter

EDIT: They removed the mobile view as well :(

Nov 30, 2023, 5:25 PM
13 2 2
<< /* In hopes of making a better phonetic language, I created a
phonetic alphabet with 36 sounds. Right now, I'm using the Gray
Wavetapper Box's patterns as temporary corresponding glyphs so I
can test the practicality of the alphabet. I also tried to write
a four-line poem that I made, but I only managed to write "up in
the stratosphere, nobod-" before my dad called me.

Updated response from DREAMLOG.MIH:
  timestamp: 29.11
  elements: [
    {e: "The PM64 badge menu?", dream: 1,
    recognition: .recognized},
    {e: "Sprite sheets", dream: 2, recognition: .norecog},
    {e: "Serpents guarding serpents in Koopa Bros. Fortress",
    dream: 2, recognition: .norecog},
    {e: "The shady sequel to The Aristocats (Elvis and the
    Photography Device?)", dream: 2, recognition: .norecog},
    {e: "Lightroot inflation", dream: 3, recognition:
    {e: "Winch devices", dream: 3, recognition: .norecog}
<< /* In other news, thank you, brain, for providing me me with
a video of Burliose and Rhodeford experiencing the freeway fun
of a water treatment plant . . . under Koopa Bros. Fortress.
+ LandonHere: is there an alterative method I can use to upload
files using scratch assets?
+ LandonHere: *pitches my question to all of wasteof*
(KIWIIRC) << /* Because the Scratch Forums are down, I'm looking for
an alternative method by which to upload files to Scratch Assets.
Nov 28, 2023, 1:22 PM
0 0 7
(OCULAR) << /* After noticing a hint, I remembered something
that I saw in a completely different location regarding a
certain recent GT-180 broadcast. I decided to investigate.
(OCULAR) << .SEARCH : "+content:\"wavetapping\""
Searching for "+content:"wavetapping"" . . .
    user: "sowut123"
    post_id: 3857204
    raw_post_body: "I just found the source for the module
    Wavetapping, and it's this of all things.\n\nI didn't even
    know there was a source."
(OCULAR) << /* The manual contains DIRECT COPIES of the patterns
on the boxes. I got the pink and grey boxes' patterns on private
record; I'll see what I can do with them!

(OCULAR) << /* EDIT ...not to mention that one Wavetapping
reference that I unknowingly made a LONG time ago:

Updated response from DREAMLOG.MIH:
  timestamp: 28.11
  elements: [
    {e: "An unknown location", dream: 1, recognition: .norecog},
    {e: "Synthetic materials fire", dream: 1,
    recognition: .norecog},
    {e: "Laborious contacts", dream: 1, recognition: .norecog},
    {e: "Shouting from a closed room", dream: 1,
    recognition: .norecog}
Nov 28, 2023, 12:21 PM
1 0 0
<< /* IDEA: since it's a conveniently placed blank field, I could
post the prompts for my horrifying Craiyon creations in my ocular
status as I make them, so that the world can finally understand
why I don't share my creations's prompts.
The clouds are gone! It's time for a little sunshine!

1 log saved under KIELBASA/LOGS.

(PAPERMARIO64) << /* My last brain cell (and my first brain cell,
as well) told me that this quote from Paper Mario 64 was meme
content, so I screenshotted it.

Master, I wish to pummel Mario, too!
Permission to attack?

(PAPERMARIO64) << /* I didn't screenshot this one, but I felt
like this line was also meme content.
Nov 26, 2023, 2:52 PM
1 0 0