
Co-creator of the Mineral Fish fandom, Rain World and No Man's Sky enthusiast, and avid daydreamer

[disclaimer not in use]

Regular Online Times

  • 6:30-9:00 in the morning

  • 2:00-4:30 in the afternoon

  • 6:30am-9:00pm, tentative

All times are in Eastern Time.

Find Me At . . .

Reach Me At . . .

  • Scratch: My profile comments

  • Text Based Games Forums: https://tbgforums.com/forums/index.php?topic=6648.0 (please @ mention me if you want to talk to me)

  • Libera IRC: DMs over MemoServ are preferred, but you may also talk to me in #MineralFish during my stated regular online times (please state your wasteof.money username when you join)

Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17
<< /* Yesterday, I got stung in the finger by a bee while
absentmindedly brushing it off my neck. Today, a ridge on
the roof of my mouth feels more noticeable, and slightly
earlier, my throat felt slightly swollen. Connection?

Updated response from DREAMLOG.MIH:
  timestamp: 26.11
  elements: [
    {e: "The scrutinizing of my Favorite photos",
    dream: 1, recognition: .recognized},
    {e: "Immortal Pink Dragon, named Pariki",
    dream: 1, recognition: .norecog}
(GENERATIVEAI) << .GENERATE : {prompt: "generate a hypothesis
about audio files"}
Generating response . . .
Response generated (55 seconds)
-=-=-=- Generation #456, generated at
  output: "It appears that MP3 files are typically recorded
  at a sample rate of 44.1kHz. Audio-only M4A files seem to
  usually be recorded at 48kHz. Using this information, you
  can determine if a file's type could've been changed after
  being recorded. Furthermore, if you discover an audio file
  with a sample rate other than 44.1kHz or 48kHz, it might
  have been made using a text-to-speech tool or was otherwise
  synthetically generated rather than recorded."
  data_used: [
    iCloud Drive/GT-180 and TC-504
    KIELBASA/Downloads/Complete Lunch Repository
Updated response from DREAMLOG.MIH:
-=-=-=- Response retrieved at
  timestamp: 25.11
  elements: [
    {e: "Discovering a stem from a GT-180 broadcast",
    dream: nil, recognition: .recognized}

I really like this terminal style. I’m going to be using it for the rest of the week.

-=-=-=- Log 41, generated at
  estimated_outage_end: nil
  error: "reference data does not contain any outages that have lasted
  for as long as the current outage; simulation currently unusable"

I am making an ongoing list of week names, and I just discovered that I can share it as a webcal link. However, as I initially intended the calendar as a private-use project, I have doubts about sharing it.

I just got back into my Minecraft Dungeons file. After handling two daily missions, I managed to do a Tower run up to the second boss floor. On this week’s Tower generation, the first boss floor has the Tempest Golem, which is an awesome, satisfying and completely balanced battle*, but the second boss floor had the Corrupted Cauldron, who, in my opinion, is VERY unbalanced.

*this is not sarcasm

It’s terrifying how much a website’s appearance can change if you let a system font take over. As a macOS Firefox user currently using Windows 10 Firefox, the changes are very noticeable, to say the least.

You know what’s even more embarrassing than having a super vivid dream, then forgetting to log it? Having a super vivid dream, then neglecting to log it because you already “logged” it during the dream.

❔🟥 A multi-universal cutscene
⭐️🟥 East Hill Chasm
❔🟥 An SMO prequel with Hotel Mario-style cutscenes
⭐️🟥 Freeway fun in a fabric-working factory
❔🟥 Instant dental job skillet
⭐️🟥 Awkward Fellow (a gecko)
⭐️🟥 A family of Disney characters - including Peach?!
⭐️🟥 Taking a rocket through a hole in the ceiling
⭐️⬛️ Writing down the dream log

The thighs/haunches of quadrupedal animals are my worst enemy. Because they’re impossible to draw.

I really want to do something productive with my collection of runic languages. My first shot in the dark is a poem about a bovine path. I’m sure you can infer the rest.

❔🟥 Peter Pan in the swamp
🖋️🟥 An unfinished highway ramp
❔🟥 Sharp eyesight and backtracking
❔🟥 Whirlpool fish
❔🟥 Peach, Daisy and Rosalina
❔🟨 Saruman's delivery service

I found these gems in my Libera memos:

Memo 10 - Sent by Landon, Jun 12 23:27:37 2022 +0000
please save the two whiteboards. that includes the toh images

Memo 11 - Sent by Landon, Jun 13 23:08:28 2022 +0000
Nov 20, 2023, 8:36 PM
1 0 0

I keep forgetting to post yesterday’s dream log. I’ll do it here so that I won’t have to worry about it anymore:

❔🟥 A sequel to MCD
⭐️🟥 A nerve-destroying toxin
❔🟨 AHS2
❔🟨 Desert Sky
❔🟨 Teanese's random smoke column castle
❔🟨 "My hands have been left behind with my rotting body . . ."
⭐️🟨 "But then there was the star map . . ."

Caller: “No! Why aren’t you listening!? There is nothing! I can’t see anything! I’m just driving, but there’s nothing here! Give me directions and get me out of here!” 

Me: “I’m sorry, sir, but it sounds like you’ve left our dimension and are now driving through a void between realities. Please call back when you find yourself back in a recognizable manifold.” *Click*

-If You Give Me Nothing, You Get Nothing on Not Always Right

Project Nostophobia 2 is successful. I am currently watching The Aristocats in picture-in-picture as I shout quotes from the movie into a quiet IRC channel.

I’ve collected so many runic “languages” that I’m going to need to list them for my own convenience.


“ha-ha, I’m IN! NOSTALGIA IS MINE TO COMMAND!!!!!!! -me, on shellfish

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve taken a recent interest in my family movie library. Since the current season of the comedy show that my family watches is going to release its final episode next week, I might be able to get my family to watch The Super Mario Bros. Movie or The Aristocats the following week. However, my true objective is to secretly watch Return to Neverland, for “art style research“.

⭐️⬛️ Multimedia Craiyon

❗️⬛️ Flashlight mishaps

❔🟥 Zelda and Y*** in the Pristine Sanctum
❔🟥 Zelda's removable hair/head