
Co-creator of the Mineral Fish fandom, Rain World and No Man's Sky enthusiast, and avid daydreamer

[disclaimer not in use]

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Jun 10, 2022, 11:44 AM
4 0 17

Heheh, I think the entry I just wrote is a serious contender. In the face of the Unsustainability, my entries tend to bounce between ~40 words and 200~ words. With the previous leader at 303 words, let's see the updated top picks . . .

6.12.C   | The Hadal Harvest           | 1,090 words
6.6.C    | Enough Air To Breathe       | 451 words
4.7.F    | Someone Demands Justice...  | 428 words
3.16.C   | No Timeline Too Scattered   | 384 words
5.13.C   | No Man's Sky Day 2, Ses. 5  | 313 words
2.11.A   | No Messengers Left Behind   | 303 words
4.13.D   | The [^382] Iceberg          | 302 words
2.13.D   | Stuck Inside Your Can       | 302 words
2.13.C   | Survival, Answers, And Hope | 287 words
2.7.F    | The Rot Won't Stop          | 274 words
2.5.F    | GT-180 and Artisan          | 245 words
2.12.E   | [name redacted]             | 222 words
2.3.C    | Rain World Day 1, Ses. 1    | 213 words
2.8.E    | Reaching Artistic Horizons  | 212 words
2.12.B   | Spearmaster And The Vittles | 205 words

The journal entries that I write have been getting longer, and in turn have been taking longer to write. For the fun of it, I decided to check the word counts of my longest journal entries. Only the newest ones over 200 words have been ranked here, with their dates, titles, and word counts:

2/11/A | No Messengers Left Behind   | 303 words
2/13/D | Stuck Inside Your Can       | 302 words
2/13/C | Survival, Answers, And Hope | 287 words
2/7/F  | The Rot Won't Stop          | 274 words
2/5/F  | GT-180 and Artisan          | 245 words
2/12/E | [name redacted]             | 222 words
2/3/C  | Rain World Day 1, Ses. 1    | 213 words
2/8/E  | Reaching Artistic Horizons  | 212 words
2/12/B | Spearmaster And The Vittles | 205 words
Jun 12, 2024, 10:00 PM
1 0 0

The Icelandic Waters just got the idea to view a microSD card containing special data using a conventional file viewer. To access it, I had to dig a microSD → SD adapter out of a drawer. And since I couldn't find a typical SD card reader, I’m going to have to use the SD card slot in an old Garmin nüvi GPS. And past that, I'll be using a USB-A → USB-C adapter.

In a nutshell, microSD → SD → nüvi → USB-A → USB-C. That's four adapters in total. I'm sure other people have had to use even longer and more impractical adapter chains, though.

\  ___________      /
 \ \    /|\   \    /
  \ \  / | \   \  /
   \ \/--O--------------
    \ \  |  /   /
     \ \ | /   /
      \ \|/   /
       \     /
        \   /
         \ /

This was a very poor attempt at making an ASCII art insignia for the Colubrine Sector thread that I’ve been posting writings for. If you can’t tell, the diamond in the middle is meant to represent the primary Atlas insignia.

I second the second paragraph. I was also disappointed about the device support. After checking the stats, I confirmed that my iPad Air has an M1 chip and supports Apple Intelligence.

This, however, was my reaction to reading the technical requirements for Apple Intelligence, when I didn't know that:

Icelandic Water Dragon & Pariki: “…”

Icelandic Waters: *quoting* “. . . ‘mon dang.”

completely forgot about wwdc, but i was pleasantly surprised to find out ios 18 is getting icon accent colors and finally letting you place icons wherever you want on the home screen

the ai tools seem mildly interesting but it seems to not support anything other than the iphone 15 (likely wrong about this) and i’m not going to go out and get a whole new phone just for those (and i also have a habit of not upgrading until a device is physically on it’s last legs)

alright back into the hole now

Icelandic Water Dragon: “At this point, we can all agree that on-device processing is a no-brainer when can be practically done, right?“

Icelandic Waters: “ooooOOOoOOOooo . . . . consider getting the beta for this year’s version of iOS (and also iPadOS if possible). I like the way that image generator works. It reminds me of the concept of mixing frameworks and qualia in Colubrine Sector.“

Pariki: “And it’s much more stable than Craiyon. Lakkatura, you’re back in business.“

Heads up! WWDC24 is starting in 67 minutes, as of this writing!

Jun 10, 2024, 3:52 PM
2 0 2
- [x] Ammonia
- [x] Magnetized Ferrite
- [x] Basalt
- [x] Paraffinium
- [x] Cobalt
- [x] Pyrite
- [x] Uranium

If I haven't said it already, I'm building a supply chain network in No Man's Sky. I intend to share the address of every outpost in the supply chain once I'm finished tracking down every variety of deep-level mineral deposit.

I hate it when I let the Icelandic Waters out of my mouth, then remember that it's 10:45pm and I shouldn't be awake, let alone watching watching movies viewing archival materials from my phone.

- [x] Copper
- [x] Activated Copper
- [x] Dioxite
- [x] Cadmium
- [x] Activated Cadmium
- [x] Emeril 

Icelandic Water Dragon: “I seem to be working at a steady 3 outposts per session. By that logic, I should be done in . . . 7 sessions, or 3 days.”

Icelandic Waters: “Don't forget about Sunday!”


- [x] Copper
- [x] Activated Copper
- [ ] Cadmium
- [ ] Activated Cadmium
- [ ] Emeril 
- [ ] Activated Emeril
- [ ] Indium
- [ ] Activated Indium
- [ ] Oxygen
- [ ] Sulphurine 
- [ ] Nitrogen
- [ ] Radon 
- [ ] Paraffinium
- [ ] Pyrite
- [x] Dioxite 
- [ ] Ammonia 
- [ ] Phosphorus 
- [ ] Uranium 
- [ ] Basalt
- [ ] Mordite 
- [ ] Faecium
- [ ] Gold
- [ ] Silver
- [ ] Cobalt
- [ ] Magnetized Ferrite
- [ ] Rusted Metal
- [ ] Salt
- [ ] Sodium

Icelandic Water Dragon: “. . . wow, I've set myself a big objective.”

Icelandic Waters: *quoting* “Great idea, Doc. Now the road will never get done.”

Icelandic Water Dragon: *reads the comments section of an NAR entry*

When I first watched Sleeping Beauty, I could not figure out why
anyone would want to be Aurora, when you could be Maleficent and
be a dragon! That's even better than Batman.

Did you watch "Malificent: Mistress of Evil"? (Behind spoiler tag
in case anybody hasn't seen it, and it's kind of a plot point):

I watched both movies. I had to. I rewatch them now and then. The
prince in the second movie is lame.

Pariki: *notices the mention of dragons in a fairy tale context*

Icelandic Waters: “This is why we need archival materials.“

Icelandic Water Dragon: *starts humming Why We Need Lockpicks / Protocol*

Icelandic Waters: “…hey, that matches Richard’s row X pattern…“

Pariki is what the personified form of Colubrine Sector has become. She has a different primary form now, but her serpent form still exists. She’s a big fan of fairy tales, and the reason why I mounted Project Nostophobia 2. I tolerate her desires, because anything could lead to Colubrine Sector development material. In the words of the Anomaly…

Atlas Eternal: “In the face of infinity, each moment can still have meaning. Any single atom could spark a new universe.“

Icelandic Waters: “Hey, the ‘welcome to the new age‘ line from Radioactive matches Logan’s row X pattern-“

Hmm. On that note, maybe I should share this dream that I coincidentally had last night.

ENTRY 2024.6.7.F - You're A Beautiful Hydrangea

I had a dream that I was viewing my wasteof feed, and Mef had made an art piece depicting a cherry blossom tree, with a message written in the leaves. It was subconsciously implied to be the grounds by which others would receive some sort of protection. It said something along the lines of "all people above the skies and above our waters". In a following post, Mef also cracked several Icelandic Waters-style references to Nauis.

As usual, there was also a segment with an element of No Man's Sky material. It seems that most of my NMS-related dreams have involved either the Sentinels or the tube worm abyssal horrors . . . which is understandable, considering that I fight like a dedicated Vy'keen against the former and have gotten a few honest frights from the latter.

its summer break finally so I’m probably gonna draw again

The world has gone dark around me. Something's going on. Someone's trying to stop me from completing my task of eradicating [^382] from the face of our land.

"What do you think you're doing?", I shout. "Whoever you are, you're going nowhere!"

A disembodied voice in the dark says, "The power of [^337] may be strong, but the [^863] is everywhere. It cannot be stopped. It will take you."

"You're trying to tame me, aren't you?", I shout. "I am a minion of [*276] himself! I cannot be tamed by anyone!"

"Well, I am a minion of [*827] himself," the disembodied voice says. "And how much of my time are you willing to waste?"

I bar my fangs and say, "Do your worst! You can't change me!"

- The Unbinding of [*759], 2024.1.7.A

Scientific advancement
is a fascinating thing
to you

To the ones that you used
	swept off their feet
	put through meaningless ordeals
your revelations
are nothing

Inside them
things develop
that weigh them down
that fill them with
	a sense of loss
that leads to
	and disappearance

As your species works their wonders
be mindful
	of the creatures that you leveraged
and make sure to
	be more than just ethical
		interact with them
		see who they truly are
		give them a chance to talk back
	and most importantly
		release them
		as this will
			return them to an ideal environment 
			allow them to heal their mental wounds

with that
know not only
you are
	and working ordeals on
		with not only

- The Press Release Topper, 2024.1.3.A

ENTRY A - Grab The Hat

I came up with a story arc for the Atlas Revision; one that integrates The Pigeonhole Project, [*738]’s Judgement Day and The Unbinding Of [*759]. After the events of 73JD, [*724] becomes paralyzed, and [*276] makes plans to eradicate [^382]. [*648], hiding in a corner of the [^677] and trying to stay out of [*276]’s way, contacts Josh and lets him know what [*276] is planning. He comes up with a plan to counteract [*276]’s oncoming attack on [^382] by calling the other side of the [^287] spectrum. The plan, however, involves pulling [*256] out of retirement. In the end, Josh tracks down [*256] with the help of [*827], and the four of them join forces to create [*847], who hopefully ends up neutralizing [*759].

Keep in mind that this arc takes place before [*374] gets involved. I don't know how I'll make the transition. On second thought, connecting these two arcs might be a little difficult, given the portrayal of characters. [*724] is projected as an antagonist in [*374]’s arc, but she's treated as a protagonist (or deuteragonist) in 73JD. Moreover, Josh's telepathic connection to [*648] was established in The Mouse Desk Decision, but [*724] is also there. I want the death of [*738] to be the only positive connection between them, so I'll likely have to retcon TMDD. And if I do, I'll have to find another way for Josh to meet [*648]. Maybe his attractor project from The Pigeonhole Project and An Out-Of-Context Experience could help . . .