google doodle lore is deep

yeah.. I’ve played every google doodle in the past 10 or 20 years so far with my friend Momo

What are all your alts btw?

@dango, @2024wasteofnews,@zxcvbnm, @unluckythecat, @likinit, and 5 others that I don’t use anymore lol

I appreciate the follow, however this account will be inactive as the game it was managing, Battle for Google Sheets, has been discontinued. I would rather a follow on my main account @incendiary instead. Thanks.

just followed more wasteofers than a person who’s account is devoted to following people with weird usernames lol

Hello, you guys should check out a very underrated game engine.

that’s actually way better than scratch how have I never heard of that before


thanks for the support

can I race you to the top of the leaderboard

do you realize @cheesewhisk3rs has followed more than 3000 wasteofers

it took me about two hours to follow 380 people

Yes I know I helped them find a lot of them

no I don’t want to race you

now that i’m past @polaris i’ll slow down

Yes very very helpful

no problem :)

just recording the moment when I’ve followed as many wasteofers as there are days in the year

When I started today I was following about 60 people-look at me now lol

you got discord? if so, what is it

I don’t have discord, sorry!

…and so i deleted that post because i have no idea why i made it

my pfp is actually a pixelated version of a picture of me

yes! I finally figured out photos on wasteof! thank you to @dall-e for the picture of me!

at first I tried to follow twice as many ppl as my followers but I realized it’d be too hard when I got into double-digits

Double digits? What about… quadruple digits?

Yo thx for the follow

Another Christian? Yay! Someone else I can talk to about stuff 🙂

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