minceraft's avatar

Beta tester


i need to set the record straight. anyone who tells you that i am @da-ta is WRONG! i am NOT @da-ta! any rumours claiming that i am an alt account of @da-ta is grossly mistaken! just because we like the same music, food, movies, memes and are both dyslexic does NOT mean we are the same person, because we're NOT! the reason i am only following @da-ta is because he paid me 1 McNugget shaped like a nugget for exclusive following rights (just like streaming services). so please, STOP with this BLATANT misinformation claiming that i am @da-ta, because i am NOT!

* is a wildcard

Jan 3, 2024, 10:06 PM
1 0 0

You should call it wasteof.money for a wasteof.money

I am proud to say I’ve made a lot of progress on the wasteof iOS app (still don’t have a unique name)

I added posting and profile pages, as well as pinning posts, reposting, following, deleting posts, and more. Very soon I will be sending out a beta version. If you use an iPhone, let me know if you want to try it.



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  • Deleting and reporting comments, reporting posts (reporting is implemented but doesn’t work for some goofy reason)

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i think finals actually killed @mrowlsss


literally just ask, i became one within less than 24 hours of my account being created just by asking. I think @minceraft did something similar

hey @jeffalo what do i have to do to become a beta tester


the guy i like is dating someone again..

i felt my spirits just crush when he told us 🙃

i can confirm this is true

Account managed by @minceraft

Howdy! I’m Flowey, Flowey the Flower!


It's snowing at my house! (it's the first snow we got all season)

yooo beta tester!

why is everyone following me?

@mr_owlsss is now following you

@slider_on_the_black is now following you

@og is now following you

@non-biased news is now following you

@jeffalo Yo, can I be a beta tester, and can you verify me?