pinned post time :D
Hi there, I’m Mr_Owlsss or O-the-Owl, whichever one is fine
I’m a bisexual non-binary
uh i dont know what else to add
I make websites and graphic design tho
you should follow @theawesome98 (now @lilly)
I stole someone's name and skin in and the name was "Hydra" and in my first attempt I got to rank #6 and then the original Hydra killed me fml
@earthdev so is the eclipse like an intentional feature or like a bug
@skylar did Ratio play Minecraft? And if so, did they know a person who went by Devilish?
Thanks for respecting my pronouns :)
they’re putting chemicals in the jelly beans!
@theradiodemon didn't you date devilish in lopobia or something
Actually, now that I think about it, it's actually starting to hit me. @ratio is gone. Dead. Won't be coming back. That's fucking crazy and scary to think about. I've lost several family members in my life and a personal friend due to suicide, and it's just.. it's still hard for me to wrap my head around. I barely knew ratio but it is still shocking that they, a member of this community, won't ever come back. That one person I reminded vigorously to change their pfp after they hit a like goal like they promised? Gone. How does that even happen?? I obviously know how it happens, but I think it's more shocking to me because it was them who took their life. If it's hitting me this hard, then I can't imagine how Skylar herself is feeling I guess the reason the previous deaths in my life, including my friend's suicide, didn't hit me this hard is because I was still really young, and I guess it's all hitting me at once now that I'm thinking about it
Sorry, I just had to put my random ass thoughts on paper, or in this case a publicly accessible social media. This post has no direct message and probably doesn't make sense to most because I was typing this as I thought, but I just had to put this somewhere
Okay, I just returned to this website after a much needed mental break (@ratio's suicide being the final nail in the coffin) and what the hell happened here
Okay, I just returned to this website after a much needed mental break (@ratio's suicide being the final nail in the coffin) and what the hell happened here