mrowlsss's avatar

Beta tester

i do graphic design or something

pinned post time :D

Hi there, I’m Mr_Owlsss or O-the-Owl, whichever one is fine

I’m a bisexual non-binary

uh i dont know what else to add

I make websites and graphic design tho

you should follow @theawesome98 (now @lilly)

Feb 16, 2023, 9:20 PM
8 0 4

Because it's Friday

how in the world is it already the end of the week

Okay but Christmas music outside of Christmas unironically slaps

Edit: Nevermind, post explorer came in clutch

I have failed my role as an archivist. I took two screenshots of that post to send to my friend. I never did this though, because she got grounded. I know for sure I took those screenshots, though. I can't find it in my files app, Google photos (backs up photos), or even Terrabox. I have literally no clue where they went.

If Jeffalo can't restore it, and if it's not on the Internet archive, it's likely lost media.

Any chance @jeffalo it can come back if I delete the contents and unpin the post?

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

May 17, 2024, 1:11 AM
2 0 0

Mario: Man, these mushrooms ain’t shit

Meanwhile, Luigi:

I hit traffic cones for fun

What happened to @mef's evil twin

What the fuck mann

The famous post “I shat myself in my maths exam” has been deleted

Heartbreaking. Gone but not forgotten - its memory lives on

Chat should I a make a wasteof for Android theme for vendetta (basically vencord for Mobile discord)


@grahamsh unban from wasteof discord pls

i wont say slurs again

May 14, 2024, 10:18 PM
3 3 0

@earthdevs can you PLEEAAESE stop duplicating the mini peppermints in my room?

Okay, isn't this an AI account? Because this is too deep

sometimes i feel like i dont deserve to be happy but i know it actually makes people rly sad when im sad so i just try to pretend everything is ok and i smile and do my best to be the person everyone likes and i know ppl appreciate it and everything but still i keep getting sad which i feel like is like kinda selfish but idk how to stop it so i just keep going like this and i pretend i havent cried myself to sleep some nights which i wish i could tell someone about but i feel like if people knew they would worry too much

It's 10 at night and I'm wide awake! stretches Holy shit I'm tired

Imagine making drama on wasteof

Uranium 238? More like U+238 (ȸ)

Mornty Nighting