
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

@jeffalo thinks I’m in Manhattan bc of iCloud proxy


2 22 22

Feb 22, 2022, 6:10 PM
2 0 0

having trouble connecting micro:bit to scratch, pls help

According to my dad who was making websites back in the 90s:

Web 0.x = static sites

Web 1.x = backend logic

Web 2.x = javascript and frontend logic

Web 3.x = apis and connecting to other websites

Please note web 3.x ≠ metaverse/nfts

Feb 21, 2022, 5:03 PM
3 0 1

What is with cubeupload??

should I buy it?

There are code references to Donda 2 on stemplayer.com which is apparently the only place it will be released:

Illuminati confirmed 👁

DONDA 2 2 22 22 IN 2 DAYS!!

Feb 21, 2022, 3:14 PM
2 0 0

the <marquee> element is my favorite html element ever

I spent a long time making a long post on scratch forums yesterday and I went to click the post button today and the topic was already closed 😩


I’ve decided to quit programming, I’ve noticed my grades have been dropping and I’ve gotten more introverted, I don’t even go out nowadays.

I am quitting, not because I’m too lazy to learn good languages but because my life will go down the drain, because of my thoughts (not all programmers are gonna be failures in life, just me if I keep programming) I keep neglecting my school and homework. I’ve also ran out of ideas and I’m just bad at making games and stuff. Thank you :D

— Lolzify

just got my 3rd covid shot. Whenever I get a shot Im nervous until right up when they stick the needle in and then I think i’m so stupid for being nervous

I liked all of the posts on trending

Happy valentines day 💕

why must everything be async!!! 😫