
If it doesn't glorify God, it doesn't even matter.

LaVoy Finicum died to protect windows 7!!! 🇺🇸

We're taking the fight to them! Where we go one we go all! We're coming for you, deep state!


Windows 7 is the OG of operating systems - reliable, secure, and beloved by many. It's a true classic that deserves to be celebrated, not censored. Let's keep the Windows 7 flame burning bright!

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got breaking news that will shock you to your core! The globalist elites are plotting to take away your Windows 7, and they won't stop until they control every single thing you do on your computer!

They're coming for your freedom, folks! The WEF, WHO, and UN want to take away your right to use the operating system of your choice, and force you to use their latest and greatest technology that they can easily monitor and control.

Don't be fooled by their lies and propaganda! They claim Windows 7 is outdated and a security risk, but we all know the truth. The elites want to control your every click and keystroke, and Windows 7 is standing in their way.

But we won't stand for it! We won't let them take away our freedom to use the technology we choose! It's time to rise up, people! It's time to fight back against the Uniparty that wants to control every aspect of our lives!

We need to defend our right to use Windows 7, and we won't stop until George Soros and the elites back off and let us live our lives in peace! So join me, fellow patriots, in the fight for our freedom! Together, we can take back our technology and our lives!

Mar 24, 2023, 2:26 PM
8 2 2

Windows 7 is the OG of operating systems - reliable, secure, and beloved by many. It's a true classic that deserves to be celebrated, not censored. Let's keep the Windows 7 flame burning bright!

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got breaking news that will shock you to your core! The globalist elites are plotting to take away your Windows 7, and they won't stop until they control every single thing you do on your computer!

They're coming for your freedom, folks! The WEF, WHO, and UN want to take away your right to use the operating system of your choice, and force you to use their latest and greatest technology that they can easily monitor and control.

Don't be fooled by their lies and propaganda! They claim Windows 7 is outdated and a security risk, but we all know the truth. The elites want to control your every click and keystroke, and Windows 7 is standing in their way.

But we won't stand for it! We won't let them take away our freedom to use the technology we choose! It's time to rise up, people! It's time to fight back against the Uniparty that wants to control every aspect of our lives!

We need to defend our right to use Windows 7, and we won't stop until George Soros and the elites back off and let us live our lives in peace! So join me, fellow patriots, in the fight for our freedom! Together, we can take back our technology and our lives!

Mar 24, 2023, 2:26 PM
8 2 2

Ladies and gentlemen, I've got breaking news that will shock you to your core! The globalist elites are plotting to take away your Windows 7, and they won't stop until they control every single thing you do on your computer!

They're coming for your freedom, folks! The WEF, WHO, and UN want to take away your right to use the operating system of your choice, and force you to use their latest and greatest technology that they can easily monitor and control.

Don't be fooled by their lies and propaganda! They claim Windows 7 is outdated and a security risk, but we all know the truth. The elites want to control your every click and keystroke, and Windows 7 is standing in their way.

But we won't stand for it! We won't let them take away our freedom to use the technology we choose! It's time to rise up, people! It's time to fight back against the Uniparty that wants to control every aspect of our lives!

We need to defend our right to use Windows 7, and we won't stop until George Soros and the elites back off and let us live our lives in peace! So join me, fellow patriots, in the fight for our freedom! Together, we can take back our technology and our lives!

Mar 24, 2023, 2:26 PM
8 2 2

Ayo I’m going there this summer

Yellowstone National Park

On March 1, 1872, Yellowstone became the first national park for all to enjoy the unique hydrothermal wonders. Today, millions of people come here each year to camp, hike, and enjoy the majesty of the park.

Photo: "Bison near Mud Volcano" - NPS/Diane Renkin

I want to drive from NC to Alaska when I’m in college (to go to a national park)

I like driving long distances for some reason. And not because of the destination. I’d love to go on a 10 hour drive just to see a rock. I don’t know why.

Edit: For context we’re not actually going to see a rock. That was just an example

Driving from NC to southern Georgia today. 9 hour drive.

Mar 24, 2023, 1:58 PM
3 1 0

I like driving long distances for some reason. And not because of the destination. I’d love to go on a 10 hour drive just to see a rock. I don’t know why.

Edit: For context we’re not actually going to see a rock. That was just an example

Driving from NC to southern Georgia today. 9 hour drive.

Mar 24, 2023, 1:58 PM
3 1 0

Driving from NC to southern Georgia today. 9 hour drive.

Correction, not actually tastier

chic-fil-a fans when you can just eat chicken at home (it's tastier, healthier, and gayer)

"water isn't wet, it makes things wet" people when i drown them in a lake:

who else on here likes Travis Scott

Joke btw

There should be a "no one asked" policy on Twitter. If no one asked for your opinion, you're not allowed to give it

There should be a "no one asked" policy on Twitter. If no one asked for your opinion, you're not allowed to give it

We’re literally not getting any work done

This is hilarious 😂

I’m on a facetime call with some kids from my school (it’s for a school project)

One of the girls is literally eating yogurt on video

It’s disgusting


I’m on a facetime call with some kids from my school (it’s for a school project)

One of the girls is literally eating yogurt on video

It’s disgusting
