
some cool phrase

By the law of commutativity, one and a half is equivalent to half and a one, and “a” already refers to one, so you can just say “half and a”.

This has been “PkmnQ rewrites the English language to fit his own logic!” Tune in next time when he cracks the mystery of why the horse raced past the barn fell!

Apr 19, 2023, 4:35 AM
5 0 2

Elect me for president of the United States after him and I will empty it again!

Elect me for president of the united states and I will fill it! 🇺🇸

Hooooooly shit Arizona is empty as hell

should’ve gotten a slap chop

For the next week, I'll be having an AI write my daily posts. I'm going to give a different chatbot a different prompt every day (e.g. “write a relatable post”, “write a funny post”, etc.) and see how it goes!

Day 1: ChatGPT

Prompt: “Write a relatable wasteof.money post”

Response: Hey there, #BudgetBusters! 💸 Have you ever bought a fancy avocado slicer only to end up with mashed avocados every time? 🥑🔪 Well, that's the kind of "smashed" purchase I made last week! 🤦‍♀️💰 I was lured by the promise of perfectly sliced avocados for my toast game, but ended up with a messy kitchen and a broken slicer! 🙅‍♀️🚫 Lesson learned: stick to a trusty knife and save your hard-earned cash for more avocados instead of gimmicky gadgets! 🙌🥑 #WasteOfMoney #AvocadoFail #KitchenFails #GuacGoneWrong 🚫💸🥑


Unavailable For Legal Reasons

It’s worth noting what happened 35 minutes after that:

[21:00]  PkmnQ: observation: there is no grass under the chain chomps
[21:00]  PkmnQ: (at least in super mario odyssey)
[21:01]  PkmnQ: let's see other instances of chain chomp
[21:01]  ultsppi: https://www.mariowiki.com/Incoming_Chomp
[21:01]  PkmnQ: to see if it fits the grass theory
[21:01]  ultsppi: these once can jump
[21:02]  ultsppi: these can fit the grass theory if they travel to grass
[21:02]  PkmnQ: but there is the chain chomp in bob-omb battlefield
[21:04]  PkmnQ: i doubt that they would unchain chain chomp often to let the grass regrow, considering how chain chomp jumps over the hill
[21:04]  PkmnQ: this would be massively inconvenient and i think they would rather let it absorb the grass
[21:04]  ultsppi: do we have a conclusion
[21:05]  PkmnQ: the only theory left is the eye theory from earlier, that they do still photosynthesize but through the eyes
[21:06]  ultsppi: or the mouth
[21:06]  PkmnQ: https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/b/b7/Mk64rainbowroad4.png i don't know the rainbow road lore
[21:06]  PkmnQ: does this rulle out photosynthesis entirely
[21:06]  PkmnQ: i don't knkow where rainbow road is located
[21:06]  PkmnQ: if it is sometimes daytime then it is still believable, however if it's all the way in space then we have a problem
[21:07]  PkmnQ: i think this rules it out entirely https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/0/0b/Chompy.png

The State of wasteof

<ultsppi> current state of waste money: start flame wars with this one simple trick!
<JackyBC> wait what??!!
<JackyBC> waste of money went that downhill?
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: :|
<Gilbert189_> I think I started it somewhat
<ultsppi> no
<Gilbert189_> *with me
<Gilbert189_> wait no I can't English
<Gilbert189_> oops
<PkmnQ> no, you could have not made that post and the flame wars would probably still be this bad
* DissonanceBridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<ultsppi> "oern" is a user who said a thing once.
<Gilbert189_> now I need to figure out how to modify sprites
<PkmnQ> are you talking about when i convinced oren to change his username to oern or are you talking about the new oern?
<ultsppi> now "lyil" often makes fun of them every time somebody says something related to "lgbtq", starting an instant flame war
<Gilbert189_> oh yeah that
<Gilbert189_> I think that's the source
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: why can't people just report report report & move on?
<PkmnQ> oh i see
<Gilbert189_> nobody cared ;|
<Gilbert189_> :|
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: :(
<ultsppi> nobody reports posts
* DissonanceBridge ([email protected]) has joined
<ultsppi> consider the amount of terrible posts in "gwdfi scratch studio", which is much more active and worse
<Gilbert189_> ?
<ultsppi> plenty of inappropirate comments are made there. they are automatically removed when more than 3 person report right?
<ultsppi> BUT THEY STAY AROUND!!!! despite EXTREME activity!!
<ultsppi> in short, nobody presses the report button on any websites
<ultsppi> that is my arguent
<PkmnQ> it's gotten to the point where "someone" can spam a bunch of random comments on a random post to the extent that it becomes the most commented on post
<JackyBC> can i get links to the posts i want to report them
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: truth be told, I don't report anything either
<JackyBC> also why wasteof money is now toxic
<JackyBC> h
<PkmnQ> and it's forgotten about after one day after the cool new controversy
<ultsppi> it alwaus was
<JackyBC> i am VERY glad that i am not a part of the flame war
<ultsppi> remember when you said that one thing about the rainbow banner?
<ultsppi> that was an average-size 'war' at the time
<ultsppi> i think
<JackyBC> i then changed my opinion because it looked like the RGB mouses which is cool i think
<PkmnQ> i remember when the biggest controversy was a repost chain about potatoes
<ultsppi> here is my opinion on the matter: https://beta.wasteof.money/posts/6437f35eca26161bf10c2f50

hold on I need to go rearrange my bones real quick, I think I accidentally shuffled them in my sleep

here is my suggestion for wasteof: ban everyone except for about 3 to 7 people

nighty morning

Sing “trousers, trousers, trou.


Hey Samsung thanks for the tip about the S Pen that my phone doesn’t have

Why haven’t I heard about the hat tiling yet?

what's a fish but a simple chordate compared to humans which are also simple chordates

-PkmnQ, 2022

You have successfully activated Hamster Madness. Hamsters will begin appearing in your home in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

⚿ You need 1 Green Key to unlock this post.

Apr 3, 2023, 12:56 AM
6 0 3