
some cool phrase

and so is the rest of the asteroid belt

ceres is a planet




By the way, I’m not advocating for removing them entirely. As I said, they help make sure that people don’t have water dripping off their hands everywhere on the floor, so I’m all for them.

But what I find very annoying about hand dryers and something I haven’t figured out yet is why in 90% of places they have only a hand dryer and not paper towels to dry your hands with, or it’s refilled almost never. Is it just other people getting fooled into thinking that hand dryers work and putting it into places thinking “oh it’ll be fine on its own, nobody needs paper towels anyway?” Is it to further perpetuate the lies? Are my hand dryer encounters just particularly unlucky?

Do those hand dryers actually work? I’m 90% they’re just a placebo at this point. By the time I get tired of the sound of the hand dryer, almost none of the water was actually dried! And when I get back to what I was doing? The water dries at the exact same rate it did when I was using the hand dryer! In fact, it might even be faster!

My theory: Hand dryers are only there so that people keep their hands over the sink while water is dripping from them so that it doesn’t go all over the floor.

Apr 2, 2023, 6:03 AM
5 2 5
Apr 2, 2023, 9:38 AM
4 0 3

Do those hand dryers actually work? I’m 90% they’re just a placebo at this point. By the time I get tired of the sound of the hand dryer, almost none of the water was actually dried! And when I get back to what I was doing? The water dries at the exact same rate it did when I was using the hand dryer! In fact, it might even be faster!

My theory: Hand dryers are only there so that people keep their hands over the sink while water is dripping from them so that it doesn’t go all over the floor.

Apr 2, 2023, 6:03 AM
5 2 5

I can see why people thought there would be no April Fools on the Scratch Forums this year

Apr 1, 2023, 3:12 PM
3 0 0

Your issue may be solved by floating directly upward at a rapid velocity.

Apr 1, 2023, 9:59 AM
3 0 0

Nighty mirninf

Clearly you haven’t read I, Libertine.

doesn't anyone on this app have any opinion on goncharov

goncharov is like the best movie ever

Everyone’s already settled on what they think, we get nothing from this, I’m starting to get suspicious that most of you are only continuing these because you want to argue.

And if you really want to, then let’s argue about something that we can actually convince each other of and haven’t repeated the exact same argumenrs five billion times on: Whether text figures or lining figures are better.

stop with the gender discussions already, I’m sick of it

this debate should end like 3 days ago

Mar 31, 2023, 7:45 AM
3 1 8

Do you like being able to read what you're looking at? Well too bad, because I'm Zelda GLBT wood mi no handoff LLC SBB K mail LLC and mm CL jumps LLC BBC JL glam of very good. Good luck trying to figure out the original message.

Look at it. Lowercase numbers.

Text figures (lowercase numbers) should be more popular. They’re better than our current uppercase numbers.

does anybody here have a strong opinion on anything

(to the tune of the Super Mario Bros 3 Athletic theme) Spongebob Patrick, Spongebob Patrick, Squidward Mr. Krabs, Pearl

Text figures (lowercase numbers) should be more popular. They’re better than our current uppercase numbers.

does anybody here have a strong opinion on anything

I present to you the omnidirectional :3’s

:3 Ɛ: ω̈ .ო.